With the 1.0 release of Factorio, it's time for Zeg to get back to belt business and make a million (or 6) green circuits. And also remember how vanilla Factorio even works.

A game about building factories on an alien planet.
Everything is temporary until blue science... Zeg continues getting the basics done, components stockpiled and plans made, ready to make something more permanent... maybe, eventually.
The year is at an end so we'll close it out in style... our usual style... without Dan because he's ill. With a style.
In this episode: Starfox 64 recomplilation, Palworld, Balatro, Starlink Factorio and Space Jam.
In this podcast:
Your whole life is just a trailer for someone else's movie, or at least a part of The Game Awards. That thing is so long we'll all be in it soon.
In this episode we've got our hot picks from this year's game awards and some games we've been playing like: Balatro, Factorio, Vintage Storyo, Starlinko, Elemental Gearbolto and Sonic the Hedgeho.
In this podcast:
Due to a technical fault this episode of the SaladCast is a whole week late! Sorry about that. Yes it does still count as a technical fault as it was technically all my fault in forgetting to post it. In this episode: Mario & Luigi Brothership, Jusant, Factorio, Starlink and Cook, Serve, Delicious. Mmmm.
In this podcast:
Proposal for a new season in between Autumn and Winter 1. Proposed name: Pooptember. Reason for proposal: It's when the year starts getting a bit butt like innit.
In this episode: Mario and Luigi Brothership, CoD BlOps 6, Factorio, Cook Serve Delicious, Starlink and bodily fluids.
Proposal denied.
In this podcast:
The general health level of the SaladCast crew is increasing but progress is gradual. We prescribe more SaladCast and video games.
In this episode there's not much news so we'll talk about TV, Call of Duty, the Factorio explansion, Flintlock and Splatoon 3 Side Order.
In this podcast:
Three, Six, Nine, Podcast's fine, Ultracube me, ultracube me one more time...
In this episode we cover the news that happened right after the last podcast, Rob is damp (not the good kind) about Harold halibut, Dan emotes (not the griefing kind) about Magic: The Gathering: Arena and Zac shuffles some important geometry (not the error kind) around in Factorio.
In this podcast:
This is a shout out to all you little fingers out there. It's only when you are unnecessarily painful do we realise what you add to our dexterity. Here's to you, pinky.
In this episode, we talk about some more factory demos, we avoid mentioning a certain meme about speeding on a certain type of land outcrop and we talk about the news being a bit boring.
In this podcast:
This week's Saladcast is cooking, just like the presenters HIYOOOO!!! Try the veal. In this episode losing your head in Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, becoming racist in Disco Elysium and the separation anxiety of finishing Zelda.
In this podcast:
This episode is dedicated to all the editors out there. It's an underated skill for sure. The podcast presented to you here is a mostly raw cut because editing is hard. I tried to make the structure less awkward without losing content. I promise you I did... but then kinda gave up and put it all back. I hope it worked out.
In this episode: NFS Unbound, Detective Pikachu, Factorio, God of War Ragnarok and some of the news including Gamescom.
In this podcast:
I urge you to check your play time stats for Tears of the Kingdom. You may have a problem.
In this episode, Zelda (obvs), Nintendo patents, Rhombus of Ruin, NFS Unbound, Vanishing Point and adult themes such as council planning and fraud.
I don't have a problem. I can quit any time I want.
In this podcast:
Our health and safety officer, Zac, advises that we need to add bathrooms to the list of hazardous environments. An informational pamphlet entitled "know your tub" will be distributed shortly.
In this episode, Rob has some things to say about Bayonetta 3, Zac fights Against The Storm (and baths) and we try and talk about whatever's going on at Twitter.
Be good to your arms.
In this podcast:
Not into the spooky stuff? That's cool. Turn the lights down, put on a nice pair of headphones, wrap yourself in SaladCast and chill. Those children won't bother you now.
In this episode: Metal: Hellsinger, Immortality, Two Point Campus and new factory games Techtonica and Foundry.
In this podcast:
[insert relevant emotion]
about[insert crisis]
? Worried you can't[insert triumphant verb]
through the[insert time period]
? Then maybe you[insert require synonym]
this episode of the Saladcast to[insert something]
your[insert unrelated noun]
.We've got BallisticNG to lift you up, Vermintide to get rid of rats, Splatoon to cover up your mistakes and a quantity of Metal we manufactured in a Factorio we totally didn't just find in hell. We'll find a use for that.
[catchy phrase]
[insincere platitude]
In this podcast:
More enjoyable than running, it's time for the SaladCast! Zac outdoes himself and talks about at least three manufacturing games, Rob checks out Omega Strikers and the first Splatfest of Splatoon 3 and Dan embraces the sugar tax.
In this podcast:
If you don't consume your happysalad then you can't have any moody dessert. So eat up. There's a good listener.
In this episode, Rob finishes Bugsnax and jumps into VR whilst Zac continues to build and rebuild in Factorio and mine with guns in DRG.
In this podcast:
At what point in life does "sleep is for foo's" become "sleep is soooo goooood"? Don't underestimate sleep my friends.
In this podcast we have cereal debating, some talk about Bugsnax, the runes of Tunic and a beer cult.
In this podcast:
Hot diggety ears, we've struck podcast! We were looking for gold or the fabled "earth pizza" but this will do.
In this episode we've got some new stuff to talk about including Shadow Warrior 3, Rogue Legacy 2 and Redout 2. Zac checks in with the space exploration mod (not the expansion) in Factorio and Rob sees what's going down in Fall Guys (it's you).
In this podcast:
We are become podcast, destroyer of lobes.
In this episode, EA feels like the kid left on the sidelines, Rob continues to struggle to describe the virtues of Cyberpunk 2077, Zac revisits the Factorio mod scene and the Age of Calamity might have been averted.
In this podcast:
Apparently time is still passing as the regular hole carved out for us to talk at a mechanical sound thief has arrived. In this episode, JEDI Fallen Order, Dyson Sphere Program, Gears 5, OpenTTD and some usual suspects.
In this podcast:
This episode is pretty grounded. We've got music from Fuser, farming from Stardew Valley, topical gaming from Pandemic, drilling survival from Volcanoids and space magic from Jedi: Fallen Order. Totally grounded.
In this podcast:
2020 has seemed neverending so it's apt that we end with the longest podcast of the year. Yes it's "Game of the Year" time!
In this podcast:
Lockdown 2 seems to have been the disappointing sequel to the heavy hitting original, which conveniently describes one topic of this podcast. It's a slow news week so there's more time to cover DOOM Eternal, No Man's Sky and Breath of the Wild.
In this podcast:
New website hype! happysalad.net has had a bit of a makeover for speed. We kept the racing green for this very reason. If you get your podcasts delivered automatically, perhaps via iTunes, other podcatchers or pidgeon, you might not have seen it yet, so go treat us with your traffic.
In this episode there's some boxes being removed, controller feels, game delays, Art of Rally, Hyrule Warriors, Night of the Woods, King of Cards, the Factorio slot and more.
In this podcast:
Not a lot of news going on this week but we fill the time with beans. No, really. There’s beans in the gaps. Even our gaps are nutritious. We’ll fill those PS5 dust gaps with beans too! GAPS!
We talk about the dribbles of new info around next-gen, Dan plays Star Wars Squadrons, Rob Shovel’s up the mess left by Afterparty and Zac does Zac things.
In this podcast:
Before most tasks, have a think about it. Consider the outcomes of your undertaking and the routes there. Have a proper rummage in your brain bag for solutions. Then, forget what you thought of and do something else, believing that at least you could probably do the thing. Freeing, isn't it. In this episode, we have a think about Microsoft buying Bethesda, ponder on Minecraft Steve in Smash and ruminate on Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Enter the Gungeon, Spiritfarer and My Friend Pedro amongst other things.
In this podcast:
We've got some weird games for you this week. An exhibition of odd choices, interesting structures and broken concepts. Society as expressed in the medium of idiots playing games. Mario’s 35th Anniversary, ONL, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Remaster, Battletoads, Shapez.io, Spiritfarer and Tell Me Why are on display.
In this podcast:
Running late but with more news to debate! In this episode we have the Playstation State of Play, Nintendo's Indie World, The Last of Us Part 2, Space Engineers, The Touryst, Forager and some "fanalysis".
In this podcast:
The games industry is on a bit of a holiday so it’s up to us to fill the void... ... Most of us have played games.
In this episode, Nintendo Switch Lite, the Steam sale aftermath, the National Dex, Yakuza Kiwami, Factory town and padding.
In this podcast:
After taking in all three E’s, Dan is taking time off leaving Zac and Rob to bumble through.
In this episode Zac rants about the Steam sale game, Rob gets extreme with Yakuza Kiwami, Cadence of Hyrule drops by and the regular suspects are still here.
In this podcast:
This more advanced recording setup we have affords us a little more comfort as the temperature rises. Notice how little we whinge about it!
In this episode there’s some early E3 news from Activision and Kojima, the now regular Epic and Randy Pitchford segments and Celeste finally gets played.
In this podcast:
OK so something bad happened to this podcast. It kinda killed its own past like in Enter the Gungeon so it’s getting reposted and back dated like it never happened.
In this episode, literal XBOX leaks, Playstation Direct, the Bioware story and more Epic Store drama.
In this podcast:
All aboard the podcast train! This train is a direct service to Nintendo via HappySalad’s Mecha and Hole emporium.
In this podcast:
One theory about the SaladCast is that we are just part of a long flashback sequence. In the present, two spiky haired dudes charge up for a bit of a fight. We do not yet know how we are relevant to the greater plot. Perhaps we’ll get there.
In this podcast:
I'm typing this description whilst needing to pee in the hope that something golden comes out...
In this episode we talk about Spiderman, hands on your face, God of War, Soul Calibur VI, hot tubs and Rise To Ruins with the usual dose of news and nonsense.
In this podcast:
Oh yes it's games tonight and the feeling’s right. Oh yes it’s games tonight. Oh what a night.
Rob’s got his takes from this year’s EGX, Dan’s got his Solo take and Zac takes a legal advice from Belgium. There’s a Nintendo Direct and Playstation Classic to consider too. Finally, you must all get hype for Town.
Oooooh what a ni-i-i-igt.
In this podcast:
Germany holding it down on the gaming tip y'all! Serving up hot E3 addendums and addenda. We cover some of our highlights of Gamescom, NVidia’s 2080, Rob plays FFXV, Dan wrestles with God of War and Zac plays the Valkyria Chronicles 4 demo amongst his regular titles.
In this podcast:
The good ship E3 has sprung a leak. The season of the game announcement will soon be upon us!
In this episode: Leaks, Laser League, Rage 2, Uncharted 4, more legal disagreements, Vertiginous Golf, Panzer Dragoon Orta and more of the usual suspects.
In this podcast:
THE HEAT IS BACK! Daytonaaaaaaaaa... Oh wait it's gone.
In this episode we talk about bad films and Ready Player One, Dan buying a PS4 to play Uncharted 4, RIME, "Oi!", Mega Drive Mini, Super Metroid, Jackbox 5, Surviving Mars, Superhot and some other regulars.
In this podcast:
Everyone's starting to talk about E3 again but Nintendo has news all year round! Thankyou you handy content providers!
In this episode: Nintendo direct news, Into the Breach, Recore, Oculus Rift, Gears of War 4 and helicopters.
In this podcast:
What's this? A guest? I don’t think we’ve done this for a few...years, maybe. It’s a very exclusive club that "Kippers" belongs to.
In this episode: The Game Awards, PSX, Call of Duty: WWII, Flinthook, more kettles, Hellblade, Laser League, Detroit, the Factorio segment and no Dan.
In this podcast:
It looks like you're at a popular site for site for drug deals. Google would like to ask a few questions. Did Shifty Greg supply top quality gear? Would you recommend Shifty Greg to a friend? On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate the funk of the skunk?
In this episode of a podcast about videogames: Greetings, Mario Odyssey, awarding PUBG and other early access games, Micro Machines World Series, EA says silly things on reddit, Neon Chrome, android phones, Opus Magnum, Factorio, Rocket League and a tale of double hotness.
In this podcast:
Don't cross a hungry wife. Don’t even look at them funny. And don’t for a second think that warm lettuce is going to make things better.
In this episode, Vanquish, Splatoon 2, heated exams, Sonic Forces, Factorio, Destiny 2, a tiny bit of eurovision, Heroes of the Storm, a smidgen of kitchen bitchin’, Golden Sun, Professor Layton, Mario and Luigi, and a lot more Zelda.
In this podcast:
Here is a totally accurate and truthful list of what is discussed in this episode of the SaladCast without any unrelated blurb.
2DS XL, Heroes of the Storm, Sonic Forces, Call of Duty: WW2, Aaero, Advance Wars: Dark Conflict, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, ticket defacing, Platinum games teases, F-Zero GX, Cargo Commander, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, Wipeout Pure, Factorio and more Zelda.
In this podcast:
I know, I know. This SaladCast is really late. I did that thing where you sit down to do a speicifc task and then end up doing something else, several times, like an idiot. So news and things have probably happened since we recorded this but we've been playing old stuff anyway. Enjoy.
In this episode: Nintendo Switch, Assassin’s Creed IV, "10 a day", DiRT Rally, Command and Conquer chatter, Viva Pinata, Black Mesa, Crazy Taxi, Enter the Gungeon, Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut and the obligatory Factorio Mod Minute.
In this podcast:
Confusion is a state that can be so easily adopted by a weak mind. Don't be a weak mind. Be free and let our nonsense wash over you like those fake rain machines that help you sleep a little.
In this episode there’s Thumper, Valve’s box of 3, Joe Danger 2, Boost Mode, Overwatch, what "Open World" is, Tetris, FTL, Assassin’s Creed IV, Sonic Generations, gun puns: the game, garbage old games and more Factorio.
In this podcast:
It's at time’s like these that we can be very grateful that creative people can come up with worlds better than our own. Escape to the country/sea/space/factory with some SaladCast.
In this episode: Xbox news, Enter the Gungeon, DiRT4. double plus bad, Overwatch, speed running, Factorio, Rhianna, Assassin’s Creed 4, Homeworld and more.
In this podcast:
"Negative Chromostereopsis" is one of the words I learnt this year and so are “post-truth” and “Brexit”. But while there's a lot of bad stuff to take away from this year you can also learn about the great year of games we’ve had and the SaladCast is ready to educate you. There’s also some sucky stuff for balance and fun but let’s celebrate! This special SUPER-LONG episode has us figuring the best of the best that we saw and honoring them with possibly the least prestigious GOTY on the internet.
In this podcast:
It takes more the two buckets of fried chicken and a selection other vaguely brown food items to truly contain the will of the SaladCast. We know, we've tested it.
In this episode there’s Battlefield 1 battling, Civilisation VI civilising, Costume Quest questing, Overwatch watching, Factorio factorising, Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise troubling and Jetpac refueled refuelling.
You can always have more chicken.
In this podcast:
Big stuff happening in game world! You need to hear it! No time for idle chit-chat, get podcasting fool! GO GO GO!
We got the Nintendo NX Switch-ing it up, Red Dead Redemption 2, Civilisation VI, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Infinifactory, Battlefield 1, Jackbox Party Pack 3, Grand Theft Auto V, Rocket League and maybe the last we'll hear of Factorio.
Get to listening!
In this podcast:
EGX 2016 is has been occurring and with it came long car journeys. As new regulations will inevitably be brought in to enforce the use of podcasts to keep boredom at bay on such journeys, the SaladCast remains ahead of the curve by providing this car-friendly episode. What makes it car-friendly you say? That'll be the marketing.
In this episode there’s more upcoming game hope discussion, Recore, TGS, Project Highrise, Call of Duty, Factorio, PSVR, Battlezone, Overwatch, Battlefield 1, Aaero, Civilization VI, Redout, Shadow of Mordor, Sonic Mania, Grand Theft Auto V, Rocket League and death by train.
In this podcast:
There's Sonic news! There’s Sonic news! For Zac and Rob this is a big deal so let’s chat about the possibilities and the probability of them being crap. There’s a tiny bit of other news, DOOM, escape rooms, Starbound, house grouse, Factorio, Metal Gear Solid V, honey shoes, Rocket League and XCOM 2.
In this podcast:
Rob often gets a bit of a ribbing from his cohorts about what he considers newsworthy for the cast but this week fate leaves Zac in charge of Rob's list... so some stuff may get a bit ignored.
This week we have new PC’s, XCOM 2, maintenance, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Day of the Tentacle: Remastered, steering wheel updates, Pokémon GO and gums.
CS:GO gambling is shady. Everyone’s on the take.
In this podcast:
The E3 ship has sailed and taken most of news with it so let's catch up on some game!
This episode serves up some Starfox Guard, MGS, Zelda, Factorio, Quantum Break, Tomb Raider and Mirror’s Edge Catalyst.
In this podcast:
Rob is back from Japan and now forced to live in the here and now again. Fortunately the Saladcast is here and a little bit now, so come and live with us in it.
This weeks there's Japan, Disney Infinity, Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, old EA news that sucks, new EA news that might not suck, Factorio, Rocket League, Overwatch, Doom, MGS, The Witness, and fight sticks!
In this podcast:
Something something something podcast. Something something hurray!
In this podcast: Zac gets a large mug and new kettle, Rob figures out what he wants from Starfox, Dan Gears on, the point of Early Access is debated, Overwatch is judged, Call of Duty and Battlefield announce new games with bad names, Pizza is mentioned, more of The Witness gets witnessed and Rocket League gets the jam.
In this podcast:
This one's for all you marathon runners. Had we put this out ahead of the race we’d have got the average person through around 13 miles. You can call your own cab from Tower Bridge though.
In this episode: Rob goes blind, Zac dislikes Overwatch, betas are not played, Factorio gets modded, Metal Gear sells a car, Starfox divides, puzzles get witnessed and Titanfall gets a sword.
In this podcast:
This episode has EVERYTHING. Possibly anything that's ever been said in human existence is crammed into this extra long SaladCast instalment. We’ve got running, rumours, Sonic’s Olympic garb, parking tickets, web development plugs, Zac’s eating habits, esports lifestyles, Shoutcast Radio and, in a surprise twist, video games!
In this podcast:
Need a new diet plan for 2016? Don't eat Chocolate, play games instead. Take your mind of the sugar with the sweetness of staying alive in Alien Isolation. Eat mushrooms instead with New Super Mario Bros. 2. Simulate the feeling of being slighter further away from chocolate by going for a drive in Burnout Paradise or a greater distance in FAST Racing NEO. Grow your own chocolate alternatives that you can’t even eat in Stardew Valley. All this advice comes courtesy of the SaladCast.
In this podcast:
Oh boy oh boy oh boy! It's time for the end of year special show: GOTY 2015! We must scrutinize the heck out of 2015 for the good of mankind, for it is written: "Those who podcast, must arbitrarily award." There’s a lot of difficult decisions and few easy answers in one of the busiest gaming years in memory an you can find out exactly how the team arrive at their conclusions (a blog with the results will go up later).
Fair warning: we may talk about story spoilers and mention the Weak Ass Californian Gap.
In this podcast:
Rob may have been stag party levels of hungover when we recorded this (his may still be a bit hungover as this is written) but there are gaming discussions that must burst forth like liquidated stomach lining! Discussions of food challenges, press-ups, not having Windows 10, Keiji Inafune and maybe a videogame or two lie within.
And no, we didn't talk about Pixels. Go wallow in your own misery.
In this podcast:
Daft Discourse Does Develop. Do Divulge Disgusting Displeasures. Don't Dare Depart Deflated. Download Digital Dan Dump? err... salaDcast.
In this episode: Minimum, Super Time Force Ultra, Guild Wars 2, Dolphin, Grim Fandango, Halo: Master Chief Collection, Factorio, Theme Hospital, D4
And as always please like, subscribe, share, tweet, facebook, join the conversation, become socially inept, board up your windows and sacrifice a mongoose on an alter made of smartphones and SEGA Megadrives if you want to hear us whispering to you in your sleep.
In this podcast:
I don't work in the manufacturing industry but if I did I would want everything to be made by robot arms, possibly robot arms making robot arms to make more robot arms. Perhaps this is the true singularity. It’s got nothing to do with AI, just a pile of robot arms that eventually engulfs the planet. Oh how I muse.
In this episode: Sunset Overdrive, Halo Nightfall, Infinifactory, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Factorio, Guild Wars 2, Hololens, Halo 5: Guardians and Transistor.
In this podcast: