So what if E3 isn’t happening? We've still got far too many game trailers happening right now. Rob picks out some highlights from the Escapist Indie Showcase and we go all E3 on the PS5 reveal event. The Summer of Hype is here!
Rockstar returns to the fictional state of San Andreas with a crew of three criminal protagonists who work together to pull off high-profile heists.
So what if E3 isn’t happening? We've still got far too many game trailers happening right now. Rob picks out some highlights from the Escapist Indie Showcase and we go all E3 on the PS5 reveal event. The Summer of Hype is here!
Big stuff happening in game world! You need to hear it! No time for idle chit-chat, get podcasting fool! GO GO GO!
We got the Nintendo NX Switch-ing it up, Red Dead Redemption 2, Civilisation VI, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Infinifactory, Battlefield 1, Jackbox Party Pack 3, Grand Theft Auto V, Rocket League and maybe the last we'll hear of Factorio.
Get to listening!
October is here and games are starting to come out for us to mostly ignore. Instead we talk about, XCOM 2, PSVR, Shadow of Mordor, running, Space Engineers, GTA V, FAST Racing NEO, Theatrythm, pay-to-spray, Affordable Space Adventures, Team Fortress 2 and always more Rocket League.
EGX 2016 is has been occurring and with it came long car journeys. As new regulations will inevitably be brought in to enforce the use of podcasts to keep boredom at bay on such journeys, the SaladCast remains ahead of the curve by providing this car-friendly episode. What makes it car-friendly you say? That'll be the marketing.
In this episode there’s more upcoming game hope discussion, Recore, TGS, Project Highrise, Call of Duty, Factorio, PSVR, Battlezone, Overwatch, Battlefield 1, Aaero, Civilization VI, Redout, Shadow of Mordor, Sonic Mania, Grand Theft Auto V, Rocket League and death by train.
I might as well be talking from my stomach. It's way louder than my voice right now. Late night McDonanald’s has repercussions.
In a twist of planning the SaladCast is coming out early and hot on the heels of the Playstation Meeting. We can be "Pro" when we need to be, we just mostly choose not to be, get off our case!
In this ‘cast: PS4 Pro, Airbuds?, Battlefield 1 Beta, Super Mario 1, EVE Online, Tricky Towers, Mass Effect Andromeda, Overcooked, Dara O’Brien’s Go 8-bit, Overwatch, Metal Gear Solid V, Planet Coaster, Roller Coaster Tycoon and some brief hype shouts.
What happens when food colouring, car repair, doorbells and video games combine? The SaladCast emerges in a spontaneous burst of foliage! Also in this episode: No Man's Sky, interior design, Grand Theft Auto V, PS4 Slim, Titanfall 2, Olympic coverage, Star Citizen, sexy consoles and the general hype status of 2016.
Circumstances entirely of Rob's creation haver lead to a one week delay in the SaladCast delivery schedule and typically, a major event occurred. Gamescom carries a heavy Microsoft slant giving us a press conference to cover in our usual style and 3 weeks of gap gives us quite a few games to chat about. Do we cover everything? "Who knows?".
In a move that screams "5 years ago" the happysalad team provide a SaladCast of a length more in keeping with our former restrictions. We don't even get a cameo from Dan’s alarm to ignore.
In this episode we play some new stuff and keep playing the stuff we were playing and of course mourn the loss of gaming’s most charming man.
The "Fallout" from E3 doesn't leave us too much to “Unravel” and there isn’t much “Uncharted” news to cover. So while there are plenty of new games are on the “Horizon”, there are even more for us to “Maker” our way through right now. So let’s “Siege” the day, party all “Knight” and deliver “SOMA” Saladcast. It’s just how we “DOOM”.
As E3 is looming, just one month away, it's light news time. Nothing much is happening until the convention crazy starts leaking out like battery acid.
In this episode we talk about Guillermo Del Toro, Gears of War, Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, Formula Fusion, Splatoon, Kerbal Space Program, Rayman Legends, Freedom Planet, Dirt Rally, GTA V and there’s some pretty stupid padding.
The videogame industry always has one thing going for it: unpredictability. These last two weeks have shown us some of that chaos and there's quite a bit of news to moan about including Steam "modgate", Silent Hills, Kerbal Space Program, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, DiRT Rally, The Pinball Arcade, Dungeons of the Endless, Freedom Planet, Forza Horizon 2, Rayman Legends, PoolNationFX, GTA V and other stuff too!
The latest pizza offering from well known pizza delivery chain Pizza Hut is the confusingly titled "Classic Crust". Not to be confused with the existing Pan base, the Classic Base turns out to be exactly that, classic, offering nothing new to the pizza experience. You can argue that it is a yet another option for those fussy about base composition to consider and that must be a good thing, but after the crazier base inventions that Pizza Hut have toyed with in recent memory the Classic is nothing to write home about. I should not be writing about it full stop.
In this podcast: Rayman Legends, Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast and Furious, Infinifactory, Guitar Hero Live, Starbound, LEGO Dimensions, GTA V, E.V.E. Online, Cities: Skylines, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Star Wars.
It's a biggie! The milestone of 100 episodes has been reached and by total luck it’s also time to sort out the weak from the guff as we do The SaladCast GOTY Awards 2013! Get hype!
It should come as no shock that there will be spoilers and dumb decisions ahead. You have been warned.
If the leaders of the free world can take a "selfie", we here at the SaladCast want a part of it. Introducing the new RobCo Audio Selfie! It's like a photo for you ears that lasts over 160 minutes! Download one for free today!*
This week we talk about SteamOS and the Steam Machine, Gran Turismo 6, Battlefield 4, Starbound, The VGX’s, Sonic Generations, Sonic: The Lost World, Forza Motorsport 5, Peggle 2, Grand Theft Auto V, Animal Crossing and alternative wind speed measurements.
Obligatory XBOX podcast go! Hope you didn't want to hear much about anything else.
This week we talk about XBONE, FIFA 14, Kinect Sports Rivals, Killer Instinct, Forza Motorsport 5, Pokémon Y, Tomb Raider, Grand Theft Auto V, John Carmack, Steam Machine and Wii U.
With the PS4 out in America and the XBOX One release looming there's a bit of an expectation to talk about them just a little. Not being the types to disappoint, there’s a lot of discussion related to the new black distraction oblongs.
We are also joined by DJKippling off of twitch and being Rob’s brother.
This episode we talk about PS4, XBone, Knack, Killzone: Shadowfall, Resogun, Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, Battlefield, CoDBlOps II, The Swapper, MtGDotP 2013, Civ 5, GTA V, Pokémon XY and probably some other stuff.
Nope, I'm not going to say anything clever this time... What do you mean I never say anything clever? That’s just rude.
This week we talk about the last of The Last of Us, Pokémon Y, Grand Theft Auto V, Sim City (again?), Guild Wars 2, Assassin’s Creed IV, MtG:DotP 2013, Command & Conquer, Civ V, and next-gen rumblings! If you’re lucky, some of the news may even be factually correct!
At this point, it must be people like Zac that keep EA and Maxis hopeful that SimCity isn't all that bad. Except that every time he plays, it all seems that bad. He’s some kind of mayoral masochist. Perhaps we need some kind of intervention.
This week we talk about launch game delays, The Last of Us, Sonic: The Lost World, Grand Theft Auto V, SimCity, Guild Wars 2, Awesomenauts, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and some news (kinda).
Introducing an exciting new brand of consumer products from the minds at happysalad and The SaladCast. RobCo announces a number of amazing products that will steal your mind and blow your heart. Listen to this episode for all the life changing revelations.
Also this week we talk about GTA V, Awesomenauts, Valve stuff, iOS7, the District line, Awesomenauts, Civilization V, Hotline Miami, Vita TV and more.
Have you ever looked to the stars and wondered how things like "The Moon" got their names? Do you then think about all the things that might have been named after them in turn? We do, and we feel it was time to share our musings and discuss the revelations we find in a totally factually correct manner.
The week we also talk about more XBOX One news, Awesomenauts, Journey, Sonic & All Stars Racing Transformed, Adobe, GTA V, Sonic Generations, Mario and Luigi: Dream Team Bros., Total War: Rome II and more!
Zac fans rejoice! Zac has a whole lot to say this week as he spends some serious time with the 3DS. Dan and Rob are here too but take up the role of his personal trainers, handing him towels and refilling the IV of Mountain Dew.
This week there's Luigi’s Mansion 2, Grand Theft Auto V, Fire Emblem, Devil May Cry, EVE Online, the sounds that iPhones make, Wii U and piracy.
The episode of the SaladCast is brought to you be the letter Z.
With the Beta gone but not forgotten we have to cover the biggest modern warfare shooter release of this year: Battlefield 3. Not that other one. In all the excitement we don't really think about the harsh reality of halloween. Giving sweets to children on our doorsteps just sounds creepy anyway.
Dan plays a bit more Deus Ex, Zac goes industrial in Minecraft while Rob subjects the listeners to more Assassin’s Creed II.
PS. More audio experiments this week as we play with the "auto-gain". Let us know how it sounds.