New consoles may be upon us but we have a lot to be thankful for from the last 8 or so years of gaming. This special episode has us look back on our favourite stuff from the last cycle.
The Black Ops storyline continues, switching the past Cold War from the game's predecessor to future 2025, as a new Cold War between U.S.A. and China flares up due to the actions of one vengeful drug-runner.
New consoles may be upon us but we have a lot to be thankful for from the last 8 or so years of gaming. This special episode has us look back on our favourite stuff from the last cycle.
With the PS4 out in America and the XBOX One release looming there's a bit of an expectation to talk about them just a little. Not being the types to disappoint, there’s a lot of discussion related to the new black distraction oblongs.
We are also joined by DJKippling off of twitch and being Rob’s brother.
This episode we talk about PS4, XBone, Knack, Killzone: Shadowfall, Resogun, Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, Battlefield, CoDBlOps II, The Swapper, MtGDotP 2013, Civ 5, GTA V, Pokémon XY and probably some other stuff.
One game dominates the discussion this week. Can you guess what it is? It might have already been mentioned somewhere in this post (hint: try the title).
This week, Durango and Orbis spec rumours, how not to make a Dead Space game, XCOM, Coffee, CoD BLOPS 2 multiplayer woes, Sonic and Guild Wars 2.
2012 is drawing to a close and that means it's GOTY time! This might be the one time in the year we carefully consider which games deserve honour and which deserve being locked in a room with a small radio playing Paul McCartney’s Christmas song on repeat forever.
Awards include "Best game that hasn’t really come out yet", “Worst audio thing”, “Biggest surprise” and “Most baffling decision” amongst others and of course the coveted SaladCast GOTY.
Winter and the holiday season makes it tricky to get the team team together but the 3 week gaps do give us a lot to talk about.
This week there's plumbing, cars, shoes, Halo 4, Call of Duty, Planetside 2, Burnout Crash, Civilisation V and more!
After a slight break in our regular schedule due to both Zac and Dan being incapacitated last week we are back! And Halo 4 arrived!
Zac plays a number of little games this week including Towns, FTL, and Cargo Commander whilst recounting the occurrences during the Guild Wars 2 "Lost Shores" event. Rob takes on two of this year's biggest “triple A’s” with Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and a bit of Halo 4.