For the tenth time, the Saladcast will pointlessly rank the games and events of the past year. Has it even been a good year? Zac will clear that up quickly at least.
Mario, Luigi and the rest of the cast return for their HD debut in New Super Mario Bros. U with support for five players in boost mode, a Super Mario World-style world map with secret shortcuts and hidden levels, a brand new challenge mode and Miiverse integration.
For the tenth time, the Saladcast will pointlessly rank the games and events of the past year. Has it even been a good year? Zac will clear that up quickly at least.
Now that England are out of the world cup we can all focus on the important things in life such as appropriate utensils for eating noodles.
In this episode of the SaladCast we cover New Super Mario Bros. U, Bravely Default (it's back!), Sonic Lost World, Child of Light, EVE Online, Guild Wars 2, Banished, the Steam Summer Adventure, Halo: Spartan Assault, FIFA 14 and Rob just had to get a PvZ mention in here too.
Are you having difficulties with your home finances? Struggling to make ends meet? Is there always more going out than coming in? Then you need all your existing debt consolidated into one easy monthly payment to Salad Finance! Take away the burden of all your existing debts with a single, bigger debt! Doesn't that feel better?
In this episode, running really long, we talk about Mario Kart 8, Watch_Dogs, Wifi interference, Smash Bros., Garden Warfare, FTL, Transistor, New Super Mario Bros. U, PixelJunk: Eden, Super Hexagon and personal finance.
*Salad Finance may not actually pay off any of your existing debts. Application to this product is at your own risk.
Everything is ready. The stage is set. Let the summer of barbecues commence! Burgers? Yes! Sausages? Of course! Steak? Fo' sho’! Salad? We’re grillin’ it!
This week we talk about a ton of stuff including Titanfall, GameSpy’s demise, XBOX One changes, Space Engineers, New Super Mario Bros. U, Hover: Revolt of Gamers, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Spacechem, Star Wars canon, Unreal Tournament, Mario Kart 8, LEGO City Undercover... and what 2014 episode of the Saladcast would be complete without mentioning Bravely Default?
Have you ever abstained from a good thing for a long period of time to make it better when you finally do succumb? It's kinda awesome. So maybe now is the time rekindle your appreciation for three random blokes talking rubbish about games? It’s the SaladCast!
This week, Bravely Default (still), LEGO City Undercover, New Super Mario Bros. U, Skyrim, Destiny, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Mario Kart 8, Minesweeper and Garden Warfare.
I missed you proper take away pizza. Let’s never fight again.
After a slight break in our regular schedule due to both Zac and Dan being incapacitated last week we are back! And Halo 4 arrived!
Zac plays a number of little games this week including Towns, FTL, and Cargo Commander whilst recounting the occurrences during the Guild Wars 2 "Lost Shores" event. Rob takes on two of this year's biggest “triple A’s” with Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and a bit of Halo 4.