This episode is sponsored by Couch Potatoes™. The comfortable potato.
In this podcast we talk about the Sony State of Play, Teardown, Star Trucker, Satisfactory, Splatoon 3: Side Order and current ailments.
An upcoming sequel to Breath of the Wild, featuring new powers and an increased focus on air navigation.
This episode is sponsored by Couch Potatoes™. The comfortable potato.
In this podcast we talk about the Sony State of Play, Teardown, Star Trucker, Satisfactory, Splatoon 3: Side Order and current ailments.
Long-term listeners of The SaladCast will remember that we once promised a series of underground belts to deliver pork pies. I'm pleased to inform you that we'll be upgrading our plans to include pie flinging technology. Pies just fly faster.
In this episode: The demise of Concord, the final bosses of Terraria, the Path of the Goddess, the Tears of the Kingdom and the planets of the treasure.
It's sport o'clock. More sport than you can possible think of. You like sport, right? That's why you come to this well informed podcast... with many, many balls.
In this episode we embrace the Frenchness of the Olympic opening ceremony, mod Outrun 2006 and play other, non-olympic games.
Moving to the country, gonna eat a lot of pizza... because the survival rate of delivery drivers is clearly much higher there.
In this episode we've got Forza, BRC and dino portals. Rob and Dan also talk about EGX 2023 including Super Mario Bros. Wonder and Like A Dragon. Zac rebuilds things from scratch again.
Illness may have stumbled us this time, the SaladCast being a week late an' all, but hear this. Like any Youtube influencer with next to no real world power, I shall ask our listeners to like and subscribe the pain away. We have an undisclosed level of confidence that this will work.
In this episode, we catch up on the Nintendo Direct that seems a lifetime ago, the Xbox leaks, that whole Unity thing and a few games we met along the way.
This week's Saladcast is cooking, just like the presenters HIYOOOO!!! Try the veal. In this episode losing your head in Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, becoming racist in Disco Elysium and the separation anxiety of finishing Zelda.
This episode is dedicated to all the editors out there. It's an underated skill for sure. The podcast presented to you here is a mostly raw cut because editing is hard. I tried to make the structure less awkward without losing content. I promise you I did... but then kinda gave up and put it all back. I hope it worked out.
In this episode: NFS Unbound, Detective Pikachu, Factorio, God of War Ragnarok and some of the news including Gamescom.
I urge you to check your play time stats for Tears of the Kingdom. You may have a problem.
In this episode, Zelda (obvs), Nintendo patents, Rhombus of Ruin, NFS Unbound, Vanishing Point and adult themes such as council planning and fraud.
I don't have a problem. I can quit any time I want.
We're just salad, Anywhere else this would be a ballad, Instead you get this simple blurb of things we say,
There's Zelda, of course, but also Daytona, Hydro Thunder and Vanishing Point. In a rare moment of timeliness there's also some Barbie reactions, if you hadn't guessed.
Make some incorrect noises for another edition of the SaladCast. Breaking out of all that Zelda is tough but we're giving it a bit of a go by adding some Daytona, NFS Unbound and VR Psychonauts into the mix. Woo woo!
This podcast may have been running for over 13 years but did you know that happysalad is much older than that? Over 20 years in fact, maybe more... we're old. It seems Mario might be feeling the age too as the "New" leaves the name of Super Mario Bros. Wonder. We also cover the rest of the Nintendo Direct and some redaction mishaps. There's plenty of the "Z-word" too.
E3 is likely gone forever but apparently nobody minds. The internet and big publishing will provide! We are overflowing with Summer Games Fest news instead so tradition is upheld. We pick out the best bits and then get back to Zelda and... (checks notes) Aqua Aqua?
And yes, this is a very late upload. Mistakes were made. Too much Zelda may have been involved.
June crept up, carrying with it the promise of gaming news in a showy case. Once again the season was upon them and with it the dreadful curse of heat and lethargy. In this episode the case is cracked open and a Playstation Showcase comes flooding out. There's also a lot more Zelda chat so be aware if you're sensitive to spoilers of any kind.
Yes, yes. We are totally on that Zelda bandwagon. We're not usually all about those hot new releases but, come on, you don't have to look that far to realise this one's special. Other things are happening too of course but we know you're here for some Tears. Some salty, sweet tears. My favourite popcorn flavour.
In this episode, Rob's feeling the JRPG grind weighing him down and Zac once again looks to space in Oxygen Not Included. We've got Final Fantasy XVI gameplay and Zelda trailer chat an'all! Flippin' tidy!
"Balls" is a great lyric. Just "Balls". Satisfying ent'it?
In this episode we have Zelda speculation, de-factoriolization and incorrectly located packaging. Rob also carries on playing old Playstation games whilst finishing Atomic Heart, Zac breathes some updated Oxygen and Dan misses the golf.
Get in the hole.
Life literally got in the way last week. Luckily a lot of news happened in the gap so there's a bunch to talk about. Rob checks out a shadow drop from Tango Gameworks, Zac tries some upcoming "base building" games and we cover the first "directs" of the year.
It's been an eventful peiod of time here in the UK, one we cannot possibly do any justice representing. We'll rely on our old friend, gaming news, to help us through.
In this episode we'll cover Sony's State of Play, Nintendo's Direct and Ubisoft's Forward. On top of that Rob's been playing Splatoon 3 and Zac's been drinking virtual beer.
So apparently E3 is back and there's a LOT of games being shown. In this "news special" we'll have a little chat about each game that piqued our interest. Well done to the selected "still more than a few".