To celebrate the greatest and best number we thought we’d just talk about good games that we might not have covered on this podcast before. There’s still some news for all you modernists, because things happen, but concentrate on the positivity!
In his second papercraft adventure, Mario must find the seven Crystal Stars needed to open the mystical Thousand-Year Door (before a group of alien invaders do the same).
To celebrate the greatest and best number we thought we’d just talk about good games that we might not have covered on this podcast before. There’s still some news for all you modernists, because things happen, but concentrate on the positivity!
Inspiration is a lot like a bus service, unreliable at best. You never know when it might hit you, placing something amazing in your head only for it to leave you at the precise moment you can act upon it. Such is the life of a Podcast blurb writer.
In this episode we talk about the lack of news, XBONE updates, Alien: Isolation, Chariot, Theatrhythm, Prison Architect, The Long Dark, Luftrausers, Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, Kerbal Space Program, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Little Big Planet 3, Bayonetta 2, and Fantasia: Music Evolved.
At this point, it must be people like Zac that keep EA and Maxis hopeful that SimCity isn't all that bad. Except that every time he plays, it all seems that bad. He’s some kind of mayoral masochist. Perhaps we need some kind of intervention.
This week we talk about launch game delays, The Last of Us, Sonic: The Lost World, Grand Theft Auto V, SimCity, Guild Wars 2, Awesomenauts, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door and some news (kinda).