To celebrate the greatest and best number we thought we’d just talk about good games that we might not have covered on this podcast before. There’s still some news for all you modernists, because things happen, but concentrate on the positivity!
A LucasArts adventure game that follows skeletal travel agent Manny Calavera's four-year journey across the Land of the Dead in a film-noir-inspired tale of love, betrayal and corruption.
To celebrate the greatest and best number we thought we’d just talk about good games that we might not have covered on this podcast before. There’s still some news for all you modernists, because things happen, but concentrate on the positivity!
Season 8 is here and it promises to be squishier than any before it! The quality of the wisdom will remain unchanged.
This episode's word sponges include The Legend Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Grim Fandango, Mass Effect, F-Zero GX, Super Mario Run, Rocket League and the newwwwwws!
New console time is here and in possibly a SaladCast first, two members of the team have it on day one. Now let's switch to these people.
In this episode: The Nintendo Switch, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, dental hygiene, Stardew Valley, Assassin’s Creed IV, ear hygiene, F-Zero GX, FAST Racing RMX, Joe Danger 2, hygiene.
Aaaaaand in the blue corner; The current console champion of the world, weighing in at over 25 million units sold despite only a few great games and looking to fight dirty; Sony Playstation! This would be the honest introduction in the current generation fight and it's Sony’s time to come out swinging as they dominate Paris Games Week. French it up!
Oh and there was a small release on XBONE called Halo 5. You might have heard of it.
Daft Discourse Does Develop. Do Divulge Disgusting Displeasures. Don't Dare Depart Deflated. Download Digital Dan Dump? err... salaDcast.
In this episode: Minimum, Super Time Force Ultra, Guild Wars 2, Dolphin, Grim Fandango, Halo: Master Chief Collection, Factorio, Theme Hospital, D4
And as always please like, subscribe, share, tweet, facebook, join the conversation, become socially inept, board up your windows and sacrifice a mongoose on an alter made of smartphones and SEGA Megadrives if you want to hear us whispering to you in your sleep.
It's time for the fifth SaladCast GOTY award show! Difficult year this one as the team have mostly played different games from one another which inevitably make comparisons hard but we give it a shot anyway because why not!
Discussed in this episode: Bayonetta 2, Elite: Dangerous, Guacamelee, Bravely Default, Mario Golf, Sonic Boom, Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Alien: Isolation, Child of Light, Guilty Gear Xrd, Destiny, Driveclub, Assassin’s Creed Unity, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Far Cry 4, Fifa 15, Infamous: Second Son, South Park: The Stick of Truth, Watchdogs, Grim Fandango, Luftrausers, Nidhogg, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Threes, Titanfall, Transistor, Towerfall: Ascension