In the wake of Sonic Mania, Sonic Forces didn’t get a whole lot of praise. Maybe we should have followed Sonic’s advice and said “no” to playing it, but here we are. We had to know.

Sonic Forces
Sonic has disappeared and Dr. Eggman is finally on the verge of conquering the world with his robot army! Can Sonic's allies, with the help of a mysterious recruit, find the hedgehog and save the world once more?
Team Sonic continues to do things to try and achieve something. Team Salad provide an assist.
Team Sonic put another plan into motion that might be a bit more thought through. Zac and Rob struggle to keep up.
Eggman has let enough arbitrary time pass for the master plan to begin! Zac and Rob discover how many straight roads he left for them to beat bosses on.
The Sonic Forces DLC promises to explain the mysteries of Infinite’s origin and what Shadow was up to during this time. Rob loves a good origin story. This ‘aint one.
In this episode we’ve got some juicy Gamescom news. That’s right, we have more content! And not even a single mention of that Sheeran bloke taking over our town...
We got Gears 5, Kebal Space Program 2, Disintegration, The Touryst and some stuff we've been playing like Trackmania Turbo, Horizon Chase Turbo and nothing else that’s turbo.
In this podcast:
You all know what this is so let's not write an overwrought blurb and cut to the chase. It’s the Game of the Year 2017 as discussed and picked by the happysalad crew. There’s loads of games discussed with some level of enthusiasm but which will give rise to the most?
In this podcast:
Rob has been let out of the cage once again to terrorise the halls of EGX. Time for a convention special!
Stuff vaguely covered in this episode: Sonic Forces, Sea of Thieves, Forza Motorsport 7, Super Mario Odyssey, Farcry 5, Flat Heroes, Blockships, Shooty Fruity, Superhot VR, Cuphead, Huntdown, Tyred, Astroneer, NieR: Automata, Project Octopath Traveller, Racing Apex, Yatucan, and a toaster review.
In this podcast:
It's the annual E3 press conference review show! Zac and Rob face the challenge without Dan to give a chronological sequence of all that happened on the stage of games. In this ridiculously long episode we cover all the major press events: EA, Microsoft, Bethesda, Ubisoft, SONY and Nintendo, potentially in that order.
In this podcast:
Don't cross a hungry wife. Don’t even look at them funny. And don’t for a second think that warm lettuce is going to make things better.
In this episode, Vanquish, Splatoon 2, heated exams, Sonic Forces, Factorio, Destiny 2, a tiny bit of eurovision, Heroes of the Storm, a smidgen of kitchen bitchin’, Golden Sun, Professor Layton, Mario and Luigi, and a lot more Zelda.
In this podcast:
Here is a totally accurate and truthful list of what is discussed in this episode of the SaladCast without any unrelated blurb.
2DS XL, Heroes of the Storm, Sonic Forces, Call of Duty: WW2, Aaero, Advance Wars: Dark Conflict, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, ticket defacing, Platinum games teases, F-Zero GX, Cargo Commander, Golden Sun: Dark Dawn, Wipeout Pure, Factorio and more Zelda.
In this podcast:
Season 8 is here and it promises to be squishier than any before it! The quality of the wisdom will remain unchanged.
This episode's word sponges include The Legend Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Grim Fandango, Mass Effect, F-Zero GX, Super Mario Run, Rocket League and the newwwwwws!
In this podcast: