We're throwing everything at you in this episode, including a washing machine, which is more than Sony's recent State of Play. Zing! We've got Hi-fi Rush, Captain of Industry, Yakuza 5 and two Wipeout games! Monster, monster!
Kerbal Space Program returns after eight years of tumultuous development.
We're throwing everything at you in this episode, including a washing machine, which is more than Sony's recent State of Play. Zing! We've got Hi-fi Rush, Captain of Industry, Yakuza 5 and two Wipeout games! Monster, monster!
I think you might be able to guess what we talk about this week. Yes we really are being that obvious. We'll also talk about DOOM Eternal, Hyrule Warriors, No Man's Sky, Torchlight 2 and some other stuff.
A kettle is mentioned.
In this episode we’ve got some juicy Gamescom news. That’s right, we have more content! And not even a single mention of that Sheeran bloke taking over our town...
We got Gears 5, Kebal Space Program 2, Disintegration, The Touryst and some stuff we've been playing like Trackmania Turbo, Horizon Chase Turbo and nothing else that’s turbo.