I think you might be able to guess what we talk about this week. Yes we really are being that obvious. We'll also talk about DOOM Eternal, Hyrule Warriors, No Man's Sky, Torchlight 2 and some other stuff.
A kettle is mentioned.
The sequel to Runic Games' Torchlight, it features four new classes, a much bigger world, online co-op play, and a host of other new features.
I think you might be able to guess what we talk about this week. Yes we really are being that obvious. We'll also talk about DOOM Eternal, Hyrule Warriors, No Man's Sky, Torchlight 2 and some other stuff.
A kettle is mentioned.
Running late but sounding great, it's another episode of videogame podcast The SaladCast. December is a busy time for everyone as Dan entertains guests with mince pies missing out on the discussions including:
The Playstation Experience, The Game Awards, Uncharted 4, Zelda for Wii U, Steam auctions, the year of broken games, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Bayonetta 2, Street Fighter V, Final Fantasy VII, EVE Online, Torchlight 2, Guild Wars 2 and Valkyria Chronicles.
Several weeks without a takeaway pizza leave Rob struggling to form his sentences with the correct words this week. Don't worry though, Zac and Dan are quick to correct him... every time.
This week we talk about Thief, XCOM, Flatout, SimCity, DOA5, F1 Race Stars, TimeSplitters Rewind, KotOR 2, Torchlight 2 and more!
To absolutely nobody's surprise the Playstation 4 was revealed this week. The team discuss the finer points of the "meeting" and attempt to project what this may mean for the industry.
Also mentioned are XCOM, Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit, DmC, Planetside 2, Braid, Outwitters, KoTOR 2, Torchlight 2 and Sonic 4.
Also, large volumes of cheese may affect your dreams.
This week, instead of cancelling the 50th episode of the SaladCast due to the snow stopping Dan from being present, we replaced him. Welcome to the fray DJ Kippling (a.k.a. Richard) from the MagicTheGatheringUK YouTube channel. Cross promotion y'all.
We talk the Vita this week and all the "shoulda woulda coulda" stuff after Kippers got some hands-on time, Zac investigates the Skyrim competitor in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning and Rob plays LEGO Harry Potter (no really).