It's 1997 and Zac and Rob play the beginnings of the hottest game in the world, Final Fantasy VII, but on the PC! This is the original PC version, glitches and MIDI music included.

Final Fantasy VII
The seventh numbered entry in the Final Fantasy franchise brings the series into 3D with a landmark title that set new industry standards for cinematic storytelling. Mercenary Cloud Strife joins the rebel group AVALANCHE in their fight against the power-hungry Shinra Company, but their struggle soon becomes a race to save the entire Planet from an impending cataclysm.
Surprisingly Zac and Rob stick to their plan and carry on playing the PC version of FF7.
In this episode: The Sector 7 slums.
Zac and Rob discover cross dressing, zombie perverts and a bomb in the same hour of FFVII.
There aren't many games that can put you through the experience of a full 5 or so minutes of climbing nothing but stairs but that’s exactly what Zac and Rob experience as they continue their run with Final Fantasy VII on the PC.
Zac and Rob continue to plough through FF7 on the PC. This week there's a stinky vent, a talking dog and bikes.
Do you like exposition? Well get ready for a ton of it as Cloud (aka LOL) recalls his encounter with Sephiroth at Nibelheim. Join Zac and Rob in another Video Thing of Final Fantsy VII on PC.
Zac and Rob risk taking on another of Final Fantasy 7's minigames courtesy of Fort Condor. Tower defence has never been so slow.
More minigame action and "costumery" this episode as the crew continue their pursuit of Sephiroth but get hampered by a Shinra port town. Join Zac and Rob as they continue to progress through FF7 on the PC
Things start to get weird as the party hits the beach. Join Zac and Rob in another confusing episode working through Final Fantasy VII on the PC.
Ugh, It's about that time then... friggin’ Golden Saucer. Join Zac and Rob as they pass through Barret’s past and up the rocket boosted gondola thing in the PC version of FF7.
Note: We are aware that the video suffers some audio syncing problems toward the end. Frustratingly this is coming from our encoding process and after many attempts to fix it... we kinda gave up. Trust us when we say that it’s a lot better than it was at first.
There are times where the plot in FF7 makes very little sense. I know it's important to fill out the character’s back story but the way they handle Barret’s is just a bit weird. Join Zac and Rob as they get out of Golden Saucer as fast as they can.
So now we get the real game of FF7: The grind. Not to put you off watching this but in order to succeed in this game you occasionally need to level up. So in the spirit of keeping this series an accurate representation of a playthough here's some grind. Plus there’s some Yuffie and Turk action.
Zac and Rob get schooled on the makeup of the planet and Red's backstory is revealed. Maybe we’ll understand just what is going on a little better. Maybe.
It's catch up time. These have been up for a while on Youtube but we never got round to listing them on the site properly UNTIL TODAY!
Zac and Rob return to Nibelheim to check out the mansion and wander around a bit, fight some stuff and see a dude about a rocket.
Rockets! Theft! Unfathomable accents! It's more Final Fantasy VII with Zac and Rob!
So "But Then" has some stuff to do in a tall building with some self proclaimed gods and then there's some trundling around in a broken plane to find a thing. Sounds a bit like it’s Final Fantasy VII time with Zac and Rob.
...or at least, "The getting to the Temple of the Ancients". What trip to sacred ground is complete without a trip to the most irritating of amusement parks? None according to Final Fantasy VII. Zac and Rob continue the Sephiroth chase.
...totally sucks. Seriously. He doesn't even guard time. I suppose he might have been guarding for a while though. Zac and Rob fumble their way through the Temple of the Ancients and discover that being completionist about things can be annoying.
You simply MUST know what's coming right? I mean it’s that bit. THAT BIT! Join Zac and Rob as they play through one of the defining moments of FFVII on the PC.
After all the drama of the last episode, the game dials it back a bit with some plodding around in a snowy wasteland. Join Zac and Rob for Disc 2 action in Final Fantasy VII for the PC.
Time to catch up with our old friend, FFVII again. For those that missed this on YouTube here are the two most recent videos. Secrets are revealed, Weapon does some stuff and there's gas!
Zac and Rob begin hunting Huge Materia but find themselves back in Fort Condor. Time for some more slow motion tower defense.
Things get even more confusing as LOL (Cloud) and She Said (Tifa) try to figure out what really happened in Nibelheim. But first we go cactuar hunting.
It turns out that an airship can't get you everywhere and Shinra are everywhere. In another slightly odd section of Final Fantasy VII Zac and Rob hunt for Huge Materia underwater... maybe?
It's time for another round of mopping up some side quests. We deal with a piano, a cave, a pagoda and a boat with plenty of room for a bit of head scratching.
Our heroes finally realise that Blah Blah (Aeris) was doing something important when she died, just 15 hours after the rest of us. Join Zac and Rob as we get some story, fight some Weapon and watch a big gun do stuff.
It's another episode of mopping up the litter of Midgar and the Shinra building. Weirdly, all this trash all seems beneficial to the party. Who leaves a sword and performance enhancing "source" just lying around?
Fight fight fight! We've got Hojo and Poodlers and a Tonberry and Gargoyles and Bad Rap Samples... Join Zac and Rob as they edge down the crater and towards the end of the game.
This is it! The final push towards saving a small part of this totally messed up world. Zac and Rob take on a sphere, a statue and extremely long animations.
I think we need to try that again. Let's come at it from a different angle. Zac and Rob attempt to regain their dignity in a second fight against Sephiroth.
Running late but sounding great, it's another episode of videogame podcast The SaladCast. December is a busy time for everyone as Dan entertains guests with mince pies missing out on the discussions including:
The Playstation Experience, The Game Awards, Uncharted 4, Zelda for Wii U, Steam auctions, the year of broken games, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Bayonetta 2, Street Fighter V, Final Fantasy VII, EVE Online, Torchlight 2, Guild Wars 2 and Valkyria Chronicles.
In this podcast:
Rob still seems a bit pessimistic this week ranting off about Gran Turismo 5 again, and lamenting the state of rythm games. Zac and Dan are a little more upbeat and positive about the recent Indie sales on Steam, World in Conflict and Batman: Arkham Asylum. Brutal Legend comes up again as do the obligatory Halo, CoD and TF2 segments.
Perhaps we should have talked about Christmas a little more but that is so last year... and the year before that and... I think you see my point.
In this podcast:
Eddie thinks my title for this podcast sounds like an extinct dinosaur. I just think I was clutching at straws... but hey, it's not about this description it’s about the talky talk!
Rob finishes his round up of Black Ops after a more thorough playtest, Zac continues his trek through games of yore with DOSBox and Startopia while Dan once again take us to GTA IV territory briefly before making some legendary progress in Reach.
We also get a little time to discuss to motion controls again and theorize about PSP Phone.
In this podcast: