In this mostly news-less episode we argue the case for "Premium-Indie". There's also talk about Penny's Big Breakaway, Stardew Valley, Yakuza Zero, Zac's notebook and nostalgia.
We need premium dude. Preeeemiuuuuuum!
World in Conflict puts the player into a Cold War scenario in which the Soviets mount a full scale invasion on Europe and America.
In this mostly news-less episode we argue the case for "Premium-Indie". There's also talk about Penny's Big Breakaway, Stardew Valley, Yakuza Zero, Zac's notebook and nostalgia.
We need premium dude. Preeeemiuuuuuum!
Look out! It's the next great entry in the SaladCast franchise!
This week there’s THQ, Wii U, Sim City, Windwaker HD, Sonic 4: Episode II, Terraria, Minecraft and Knights of the Old Republic 2.
Rob still seems a bit pessimistic this week ranting off about Gran Turismo 5 again, and lamenting the state of rythm games. Zac and Dan are a little more upbeat and positive about the recent Indie sales on Steam, World in Conflict and Batman: Arkham Asylum. Brutal Legend comes up again as do the obligatory Halo, CoD and TF2 segments.
Perhaps we should have talked about Christmas a little more but that is so last year... and the year before that and... I think you see my point.