Zac educates Rob in how to spend a lot of time scanning for stuff in Eve Online after the recent Odyssey update. Some stuff actually does happen... I think.

EVE Online
EVE Online is a loosely structured science fiction MMORPG published by CCP Games in which players take on the role of a spaceship pilot exploring a colonized galaxy.
We've taken our random injections, dressed our news wounds and have undergone significant game therapy. I think we’re ready for another round of Saladcasting.
In this episode: Hyper Light Drifter, tiredness, Zelda, Rocket League, caffeine, Bayonetta, Destiny 2, falling asleep, Sonic Chaos and Project Scorpio.
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Escape from seasonal commercialism by losing yourself in a chat about products that you can buy! Welcome to your unavoidable fate, 2016!
In this episode there's Thumper, glasses, Switch patents, Civilisation VI, Twilight, Titanfall 2, Planet Coaster, Rocket League, Overwatch, some films, EVE and Coin Crypt.
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All work and no play make the SaladCast short... ahoy.
In this episode we have more Civilisation VI discussions, review what's being said about PS4 Pro, play that theme park game again with Planet Coaster, watch some films and chip away at Shovel Knight. There’s some switch rumours and a reviews review in there too.
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I might as well be talking from my stomach. It's way louder than my voice right now. Late night McDonanald’s has repercussions.
In a twist of planning the SaladCast is coming out early and hot on the heels of the Playstation Meeting. We can be "Pro" when we need to be, we just mostly choose not to be, get off our case!
In this ‘cast: PS4 Pro, Airbuds?, Battlefield 1 Beta, Super Mario 1, EVE Online, Tricky Towers, Mass Effect Andromeda, Overcooked, Dara O’Brien’s Go 8-bit, Overwatch, Metal Gear Solid V, Planet Coaster, Roller Coaster Tycoon and some brief hype shouts.
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The latest pizza offering from well known pizza delivery chain Pizza Hut is the confusingly titled "Classic Crust". Not to be confused with the existing Pan base, the Classic Base turns out to be exactly that, classic, offering nothing new to the pizza experience. You can argue that it is a yet another option for those fussy about base composition to consider and that must be a good thing, but after the crazier base inventions that Pizza Hut have toyed with in recent memory the Classic is nothing to write home about. I should not be writing about it full stop.
In this podcast: Rayman Legends, Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast and Furious, Infinifactory, Guitar Hero Live, Starbound, LEGO Dimensions, GTA V, E.V.E. Online, Cities: Skylines, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Star Wars.
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Running late but sounding great, it's another episode of videogame podcast The SaladCast. December is a busy time for everyone as Dan entertains guests with mince pies missing out on the discussions including:
The Playstation Experience, The Game Awards, Uncharted 4, Zelda for Wii U, Steam auctions, the year of broken games, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Bayonetta 2, Street Fighter V, Final Fantasy VII, EVE Online, Torchlight 2, Guild Wars 2 and Valkyria Chronicles.
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Surprise! We're all in Ipswich where two thirds of the team normally are! Not that surprising huh? Well it was to us and we enjoyed it. Trust me on this.
In this episode we discuss Star Wars VII, Interstellar, Assassin’s Creed Unity, Sunset Overdrive, Halo: Master Chief Collection, Bayonetta 2, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Overwatch, Valkyria Chronicles, EVE Online and Deus Ex: Human Revolution.
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So it seems there are games now. 2014 was feeling a little empty for a bit huh?
In this episode: Bayonetta 2, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Freelancer, Assassin's Creed Unity, Sonic Boom, Guild Wars 2, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, EVE Online, Space Engineers, Halo: Master Chief Collection
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In another convention special Dan brings you news from not one, but TWO conventions that happened in the last two weeks. Rob only brought one convention and now wonders if the others consider him a cheapskate.
In this episode we talk about #EGX, Star Trek, Prison Architect, Octahedron, Elite Dangerous, Alien: Isolation, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Halo Master Chief Collection, Sonic Boom, Splatoon, Yoshi's Woolly World, Screamride, Gang Beasts, Poncho, Dream, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, EVE Online, Guild Wars 2, Guacamelee, FTL: Faster Than Light, Forza Motorsport 5, Batman: Arkham City and Planetary Annihilation.
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It's quite nice that the "home nations" can still win international medals at the Commonwealth Games. But don’t think too hard about it as you’ll soon realise that we’re only beating ourselves. I’ll take it though.
In this episode there’s a noodle fork update, Broken Age, EVE Online, Minecraft, Destiny, Crysis 2, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Super Time Force, Titanfall, The Pinball Arcade, Kerbal Space Program, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and chicken produce enhanced by the wind.
Replace “Chip” with a less clean word.
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Trying to organise three people to all be available for a few hours at the same can be surprisingly difficult. I totally see why personal assistants and secretaries are a thing. Here's to you.
This week we talk about, the World Cup, Rebellion, Fortnite, Team Fortress 2, Banished, Child of Light, EVE Online, Sonic Lost World, Guild Wars 2, Destiny, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Sonic 2 HD, Battleborn, Broken Age and other rubbish.
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Now that England are out of the world cup we can all focus on the important things in life such as appropriate utensils for eating noodles.
In this episode of the SaladCast we cover New Super Mario Bros. U, Bravely Default (it's back!), Sonic Lost World, Child of Light, EVE Online, Guild Wars 2, Banished, the Steam Summer Adventure, Halo: Spartan Assault, FIFA 14 and Rob just had to get a PvZ mention in here too.
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Rob decides to take a weekend break in London on a Podcast weekend, forcing the team to phone it in. When we say "phoning it in" it's not to say that your getting a half-arsed show. You are most definitely getting all of our arse.
This week there’s Bioshock Infinite, Dark Souls, XCOM, Infamous, DmC, MTGDotP 2013, SimCity, next Gen game pricing, EVE, Puddle, Spiral Knights and our ignorance towards sports games.
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Zac fans rejoice! Zac has a whole lot to say this week as he spends some serious time with the 3DS. Dan and Rob are here too but take up the role of his personal trainers, handing him towels and refilling the IV of Mountain Dew.
This week there's Luigi’s Mansion 2, Grand Theft Auto V, Fire Emblem, Devil May Cry, EVE Online, the sounds that iPhones make, Wii U and piracy.
The episode of the SaladCast is brought to you be the letter Z.
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I was highly tempted just to leave it at that. It does aptly describe the content of Codemasters' seminal racing series, and your mind.
On top of all that glorious filth, we talk about Magicka, Battlefield 3 and some finishing notes on Deus Ex. And Rob forgets his own rules and talks about those goddamn assassins some more.
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I don't know about nature. It's alive, varied and mostly outdoors. 3 things you probably wouldn’t associate with the typical gamer. But here we are, recording a podcast OUTSIDE! Somehow we rattle through a lot of recent releases with little to no hesistancy. Maybe the slight breeze casts Haste upon our vocals?
Zac covers the indie scene once more with the Minecraft Adventure update, completing S.P.A.Z. two more times (jeez) and Blocks that Matter. Dan continues to catch up to Zac in Deus Ex: Human Revolution while Rob continues his Kinect pratfalling in front of Rise of Nightmares and Child of Eden. There’s even a little Gears of War 3, so you should have nothing left to grind... y'know... like "grinds my gears"... nevermind.
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3 weeks have passed since the last cast. Who's fault is that? Well it's kinda ours. No excuse. We got lazy. To celebrate our return here's a blurb that represents the spirit of laze:
Games, games, talking about games, blabla, Rob, Bulletstorm, Dan, L.A Noire, Zac, Just Cause 2, games, games, bla-di-bal-ba-bla, moo.
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Dan is unavailable this week but Zac was just too enthusiastic about news. So here we are with another "soon to be trademarked" Tardcast.
Zac talks much Eve as the drama over the Incarna patch unfolds. He also reveals the extent of hackery that has befallen the Sonic Generations demo. Potential spoilers maybe? This provides Rob with an excuse to deliver ample quantities of Sonic related discussion, as always.
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Due to an unforeseen failure in Dan's immune system the usual arrangement of casting in the Room of Doom cannot happen this week. This gives you the opportunity to play a fun game of "count how many time we talk over each other". Such fun.
In this episode Zeg covers new indie 2D Minecraft-style; release Teraria and gets a taste of dictatorship with Tropico 3. Rob begins to tackle two more games new to him with the 3D tactical anime war game Valkyria Chronicals and gets his trademark rant on towards Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit. Dan attempts to solve the puzzle of describing just what L.A. Noire is and what it may mean for Adventure gaming.
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Not much on new games front this week as Rob tackles the latest installment in the classic JRPG series in the form of Final Fantasy XIII (not XIV, you can't expect that of us, ever). Zac helps explain Rob’s second impressions of Monday Night Combat and falls deeper into the MMO trap WURM Online. We also find it hard to add to Dan's continued reporting on Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare.
Listen as we deftly pad the episode at the end. I think we get away with it. cough.
And have I ever told you how hard it is to type when a cat thinks something is under the keyboard?
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Driving seems to be main theme this time. We've all been playing them racing games. The Steam sales have magical properties like that.
Rob gushes about Blur, confirming its awesomeness, Dan arrives late to the Dirt 2 party and Zac.... plays Eve some more. Well he did play some Dirt too (see what I did there?).
There’s also some ranting about the 3DS before it's out, some SpaceChem and Super Meat Boy. How lucky you are!
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Rob still seems a bit pessimistic this week ranting off about Gran Turismo 5 again, and lamenting the state of rythm games. Zac and Dan are a little more upbeat and positive about the recent Indie sales on Steam, World in Conflict and Batman: Arkham Asylum. Brutal Legend comes up again as do the obligatory Halo, CoD and TF2 segments.
Perhaps we should have talked about Christmas a little more but that is so last year... and the year before that and... I think you see my point.
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Eddie thinks my title for this podcast sounds like an extinct dinosaur. I just think I was clutching at straws... but hey, it's not about this description it’s about the talky talk!
Rob finishes his round up of Black Ops after a more thorough playtest, Zac continues his trek through games of yore with DOSBox and Startopia while Dan once again take us to GTA IV territory briefly before making some legendary progress in Reach.
We also get a little time to discuss to motion controls again and theorize about PSP Phone.
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Rob's been playing games. Probably too many games. He talks for like, half the show... straight. Sorry about that… like.
He does cover Brütal Legend, PGR 4 and a bit of Black Ops though. Zeg gets a fair bit of air time too explaining the nuances of Supreme Commander 2 and introducing us to Codex of Alchemical Engineering. I hadn’t heard of it either. That leaves Dan to like... run out of time. Sorry Dan.
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