Dan may have insisted we do this out of brotherly connection, but this is actually pretty cool. Map courtesy of MRTEA99.

A 3D procedurally-generated game of world exploration, resource harvesting, and freeform construction, featuring a unique block-based art style and online multiplayer. It received numerous ports and updates for nearly a decade after its initial release.
Be unsaddened my super-acquaintences! We have more pleasing noise for the ensounding of your ears. Come and whelm with us.
There's Nintendo news, Minecraft news, GTA news and more news. There's Artful Escape game, Sable game, Hyrule Warriors game and more games. And of course we have Rob man, Zac man and Dan man (but not more mans).
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All of the house moving interruptions have now been seen off so it's back to talking smack about power sockets and plumbing. Almost forgot there's a few games about too.
In this episode: Deep Rock Galactic, FFXII, Tony Hawk's 1+2, Banished and the nakedness of fruit.
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The sun is setting on Rob's podcast "studio" but it shall rise again in pastures new. We shall send it off with a completely normal podcast. That seems fitting. After a bit of "Triple A" ranting we talk about Outriders, Genesis Noir, Shapez.io, Minecraft, Final Fantasy XII and Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon.
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It's regular-ass podcast this time with games and films and socks in it. Socks are important. Rob is stranded with Death Stranding, Zac does Zac things and Dan starts Witcher 3.
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The wait is almost over. We’re nearly at the best number. We’re positive you’ll agree. For now, in this episode we look forward to award season, critique a V and talk about everyone’s favorite topic, YouTube controversy.
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In this episode: The return of Kitchen Bitchin’, UK lootbox regulation news, France vs Steam, Gears 5, Tetris 99, Stormworks, Void Bastards, SNES on Switch and Guild Wars 2.
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Getting older means forgetting about a lot more things a lot more regularly. Take this episode for example. It’s easy to forget that it ever existed, on time, and on happysalad.net before now. cough
In this episode: Sunflowers, EPIC store fail of the week, Nintendo Direct news, Void Bastards, Gears 5, Stormworks, Trackmania Turbo and more!
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This SaladCast is a little reminiscent, reflective and relatively rearranged. Relax and recline as you receive our retort to recent revelations.
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It's too hot, the crew is woozy and injured, perfect podcast time!
In this episode: Halo Wars 2, Devil May Cry 4, Riptide GP Renegade, Rocket League, Minecraft, Pokémon Quest and smart light stuff.
PS. I know the audio isn’t quite up to snuff this week. There’s a bit of an echo and Dan is too quiet but we’ll figure it out next time.
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It seems that as far as humans have come with science and technology improving our daily routines, there are some elements of modern life that still suck. In this episode we cover the conundrum of the kettle and the office chair. This isn't a joke, we really do.
Other stuff in this episode: Forza 7 microwagers, finishing Nier Automata, the absence of Frozen 2, Cuphead problems, Slime Rancher, more Minecraft mod pack woes, Rocket League changes, Sonic on the Megadrive and DeadCore.
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Hey hey we're the Salad, and we like cucumbering around, but we’re too busy piz’ing, to pull this food from the ground...
In this episode, some news, Nier: Automata, Splatoon 2, Deadbolt, Rob’s visual novel adventure and the Zelda minute returns.
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There still isn't a great deal of news about. It’s now backpacking in Asia, lost it’s passport and may never return. Meanwhile, there is the subject of breakfast for us at home to attend to.
In this episode: Splatoon 2, Snake Pass, Fault: Milestone One, Formula Fusion, Wipeout 3, Minecraft, Titanfall 2, Noita, Overwatch, and the Zelda bit is back.
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The news is on holiday, probably trying to get a tan on its white spaces, so it's up to us to fill time with epic tales of mundanity.
We got Alienation, Splatoon 2, Formula Fusion, Crypt of the Necrodancer, Wipeout Omega Collection, Minecraft and a visual novel. Pretty sure there’s something missing here...
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It's the annual E3 press conference review show! Zac and Rob face the challenge without Dan to give a chronological sequence of all that happened on the stage of games. In this ridiculously long episode we cover all the major press events: EA, Microsoft, Bethesda, Ubisoft, SONY and Nintendo, potentially in that order.
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Continuing on with our coverage of the future of the games industry as described in a glossy form by the games industry we have Ubisoft getting eagles, SONY effervescing, Nintendo ebbing and other news existing.
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Get hype! E3 is only a couple of days away so it's time to mop up all the leaks before we bathe in the convention goodness. Everyone is spilling their drinks from Sony to Nintendo, Microsoft Ubisoft... I think everybody’s drunk before the party has begun.
Also this week: Quantum Break, football, Overwatch, Minecraft, Watchdogs 2, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, Speedrunners, Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, hot tubs and a good helping of speculation.
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Did you miss last week's super special limited edition SaladCast? If so then you missed the best show we’ve ever done. It had celebrity guests, hot new musical acts, exclusive game reveals and even some "fan fiction". But don’t worry, you can still get your normal edition podcast goodies right here. We’ve brought a pheasant.
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Sometimes the genius the Nintendo knows no bounds. From their crystal ball they predicted that the weeks leading to E3 will be bereft of any interesting news. What a perfect time to release a game, a new IP no less, to give everyone something to talk about! As such happysalad now follows an inverse law of news quantity to podcast length.
In this episode: Splatoon, Minecraft, DiRT Rally, Skullgirls, Rayman Legends, Castle Storm, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Starbound and Zac walks.
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Leather Jackets are pretty loud. Dan wears one for the duration of this episode of the video game podcast, "The SaladCast". See how many times you can hear it squeak and then see if remember anything that's been discussed. You may have missed many of the informed discussions covering an array of topics including kitchens, toothpaste, Destiny, Minecraft, Super Smash Bros. Final Fantasy XV, Theatrythm Final Fantasy: Curtain Call, FTL, Planetary Annihilation, Guild Wars 2, Batman: Arkham City, Guacamelee, Threes, Mario Kart: Super Circuit and plenty more.
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It's time for your randomly timed Suffolk knowledge lesson. If you know any of the facts mentioned during this segment you can give yourself a face five.
This episode covers Super Time Force, Crimson Dragon, Reus, Thauncraft 4, Microsoft Mahjong, FTL, Rob’s PS2 and other random musings.
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It's quite nice that the "home nations" can still win international medals at the Commonwealth Games. But don’t think too hard about it as you’ll soon realise that we’re only beating ourselves. I’ll take it though.
In this episode there’s a noodle fork update, Broken Age, EVE Online, Minecraft, Destiny, Crysis 2, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Super Time Force, Titanfall, The Pinball Arcade, Kerbal Space Program, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and chicken produce enhanced by the wind.
Replace “Chip” with a less clean word.
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Look out! It's the next great entry in the SaladCast franchise!
This week there’s THQ, Wii U, Sim City, Windwaker HD, Sonic 4: Episode II, Terraria, Minecraft and Knights of the Old Republic 2.
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After all the GOTY excitement it's back to business as normal for as much as you can call our business normal. There’s a lot of games to catch up on thanks to another Steam sale and little time to play them.
This week we talk about SteamBox, Project Shield, Borderlands 2, Crysis, calves, Hell Yeah, Far Cry 3, describing pizza, The Walking Dead, FTL, Pharoah, shaving and more Minecraft.
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It was exhausting, but we have recovered ourselves a Dan to bring back the structure we crave. Admittedly our structure is a bit like a paper tower in the rain, yet still we crave its moist sanctuary.
After a brief recap of the recent Vita reviews Dan continues bashing his way through Skyrim, Rob gets his finishing rants on Uncharted 3 and L.A. Noire out while Zac keeps us up to date on the essential Dwarf Fortress update.
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As festive season grows ever closer do we start to show a more generous side to game banter? Heck no!
Listen to Zac tear Skyrim a new one. Rob covers some tennis titles (thanks to friend of the show Eddie), a bit of Uncharted 3 and a couple of Arcade gems leaving Dan scurry around in the third portion of DiRT some more.
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I was highly tempted just to leave it at that. It does aptly describe the content of Codemasters' seminal racing series, and your mind.
On top of all that glorious filth, we talk about Magicka, Battlefield 3 and some finishing notes on Deus Ex. And Rob forgets his own rules and talks about those goddamn assassins some more.
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With the Beta gone but not forgotten we have to cover the biggest modern warfare shooter release of this year: Battlefield 3. Not that other one. In all the excitement we don't really think about the harsh reality of halloween. Giving sweets to children on our doorsteps just sounds creepy anyway.
Dan plays a bit more Deus Ex, Zac goes industrial in Minecraft while Rob subjects the listeners to more Assassin’s Creed II.
PS. More audio experiments this week as we play with the "auto-gain". Let us know how it sounds.
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I don't know about nature. It's alive, varied and mostly outdoors. 3 things you probably wouldn’t associate with the typical gamer. But here we are, recording a podcast OUTSIDE! Somehow we rattle through a lot of recent releases with little to no hesistancy. Maybe the slight breeze casts Haste upon our vocals?
Zac covers the indie scene once more with the Minecraft Adventure update, completing S.P.A.Z. two more times (jeez) and Blocks that Matter. Dan continues to catch up to Zac in Deus Ex: Human Revolution while Rob continues his Kinect pratfalling in front of Rise of Nightmares and Child of Eden. There’s even a little Gears of War 3, so you should have nothing left to grind... y'know... like "grinds my gears"... nevermind.
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Just for the record, all the things people say about beer and wine and mixing are totally true. All of them. Even the bits that contradict the other bits. Rob is living proof of this and is nursing a monster hangover. Don't mix. You will thank us one day.
We talk a lot of games and kinda just run out of material, and pad for a bit at the end. Fine if you're in a rush and need a slightly smaller salad morsel. There's some Bulletstorm and Kinect Sports from Rob, the usual Teraria, Minecraft and SpaceChem bit from Zeg and Dan finishes Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood at last.
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Deciphering the world of Pokémon on a cup of coffee in the Abode of Unfortunate Ends is a tough task. Among Zac's thoughts of Pokémon Black/White we can’t help but be confused how about such a world could possibly work with such ignorant occupants.
Rob continues following Dan's gaming suggestions and finally starts playing Batman: Arkham Asylum.
Dan hasn't played too much but we fill the gap with more Portal 2 talk (mostly spoiler free still), the usual Minecraft and TF2 entries with a surprise return for SpaceChem.
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Not much on new games front this week as Rob tackles the latest installment in the classic JRPG series in the form of Final Fantasy XIII (not XIV, you can't expect that of us, ever). Zac helps explain Rob’s second impressions of Monday Night Combat and falls deeper into the MMO trap WURM Online. We also find it hard to add to Dan's continued reporting on Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare.
Listen as we deftly pad the episode at the end. I think we get away with it. cough.
And have I ever told you how hard it is to type when a cat thinks something is under the keyboard?
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Wow ok, where to begin. This epic special episode is dedicated to the most epic award (and a few others) that can be bestowed upon a game: the Saladcast GOTY.
Including supporting roles from Best Musical Score, Most Memorable Moment and Biggest Disappointment in Gaming 2010!
Strap yourselves in. This was tough.
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