Ready for more, because there's a whole episode more of E3 press conference stuff. SaladCast runs down Ubisoft, the PC Gaming Show, Sony and Nintendo.
A spiritual successor to Quake III Arena, bringing a fresh take to the fast-paced first-person shooter genre with unique characters (each with their own attributes and special abilities).
Ready for more, because there's a whole episode more of E3 press conference stuff. SaladCast runs down Ubisoft, the PC Gaming Show, Sony and Nintendo.
"Bank holiday comes six times a year. Days of enjoyment to which everyone cheers. Bank holiday comes with six-pack of beer, Then it's back to work A-G-A-I-N". Blur was a good game.
In this episode, a foody bit, a techy bit, a filmy bit and then a gamey bit.
It's the annual E3 press conference review show! Zac and Rob face the challenge without Dan to give a chronological sequence of all that happened on the stage of games. In this ridiculously long episode we cover all the major press events: EA, Microsoft, Bethesda, Ubisoft, SONY and Nintendo, potentially in that order.
Continuing on with our coverage of the future of the games industry as described in a glossy form by the games industry we have Ubisoft getting eagles, SONY effervescing, Nintendo ebbing and other news existing.