In this episode of "The Vortex and You" we take a closer look at how humanity provides for our all consuming lord and master and how it trusts us to create ever more complex sandwiches. Love the Vortex.
Long-term listeners of The SaladCast will remember that we once promised a series of underground belts to deliver pork pies. I'm pleased to inform you that we'll be upgrading our plans to include pie flinging technology. Pies just fly faster.
In this episode: The demise of Concord, the final bosses of Terraria, the Path of the Goddess, the Tears of the Kingdom and the planets of the treasure.
In this podcast:
Gordon makes his way to the Citadel to put an end to whatever it is that's actually happening. Human enslavement? Capitalism? Crimes against interior decor?
I hear the faint sound of the Taco Bell ringing. It must be the Next Summer Gamescom E3 Fest Done Quick for August approaching.
In this episode, some highlights from Gamescom, Thomas was Alone, Shapez 2, Immortals of Aveum, Terraria, OutRun 2006 and drowning at sea.
In this podcast:
After Alyx kinda wanders off, Gordon makes his own way through City 17 towards the Citadel. Barney's rebel forces need a little help on the way.