This episode is sick. Not the radical kind but the ill kind. No, not the good ill either. Rob's sick, Zac's sick and our equipment is a bit sick. What results is a concoction of games, wind, news and coughing. We got off lightly.
A sci-fi multiplayer first-person shooter from Blizzard, in which players can choose from a wide range of Heroes with unique weapons and abilities.
This episode is sick. Not the radical kind but the ill kind. No, not the good ill either. Rob's sick, Zac's sick and our equipment is a bit sick. What results is a concoction of games, wind, news and coughing. We got off lightly.
There were probably a lot of tears this morning as England came second in the rugby World Cup but you can’t spell tears without tea, so we talk a bit about that instead. There’s also some Devil May Cry 5, Autonauts and maybe a bit more understanding about what Death Stranding actually is.
The summer months always bring out a certain grumpiness within the leaves of the Salad. Time for some juicy rants about pretty anything other than video games, which this podcast is still about, apparently.
After taking in all three E’s, Dan is taking time off leaving Zac and Rob to bumble through.
In this episode Zac rants about the Steam sale game, Rob gets extreme with Yakuza Kiwami, Cadence of Hyrule drops by and the regular suspects are still here.
This more advanced recording setup we have affords us a little more comfort as the temperature rises. Notice how little we whinge about it!
In this episode there’s some early E3 news from Activision and Kojima, the now regular Epic and Randy Pitchford segments and Celeste finally gets played.
This week we present the SaladCast to you in glorious "Work in Progress Sound"! We're trying a different equipment configuration but there’s still some kinks to iron out so please bear with it this week.
In this episode: Red Dead Redemption 2 (of course), Lethal League Blaze, Diablo Immortal, Spiderman, Oxygen Not Included and zero food talk! We’re trying to get through a podcast without being too hungry at the end.
In this episode of the SaladCast there's Cyberpunk gameplay footage talk, Rocketpass, Ruiner, CoD and Battlefield, FFXV, God of War, Stardew multiplayer, Overwatch revisiting, Two Point Hospital theories and Valkyria Chronicles 4. You just have to get past the food bit first.
"Bank holiday comes six times a year. Days of enjoyment to which everyone cheers. Bank holiday comes with six-pack of beer, Then it's back to work A-G-A-I-N". Blur was a good game.
In this episode, a foody bit, a techy bit, a filmy bit and then a gamey bit.
If we were to describe the SaladCast team as states of matter Zac would be solid, Dan would be liquid and Rob has to be gas. That's the end of the gag. Please enjoy the episode!
In the not too distant future, artificial beings are built to look act act like humans. Blending into society, the "hipsters" are becoming an accepted part of our daily lives, but there are rules. Hipsters that break those rules and serve over priced artisan foods must have their beards and buns shaved. Those that wield the blade are known as “Razor Joggers”.
In this episode: The obligatory lootbox conversation, Rain World, IGN and Humble, Opus Magnum, Shovel Knight, XBOX One dashboard fonts, Kerbal Space Program, Blade Runner, Sonic 2 HD, Overwatch, Team Fortress 2, Slime Rancher, Visceral Games and Star Wars, another bad visual novel and Dan finishes Zelda at last.
You know it must be raining when your noisy gaming session is interrupted by natural white noise. Take pause from the gunfire, engines and satisfying "dings" of gaming to enjoy some proper surround sound, and then drown it in dubstep.
In this episode: Space Engineers, stuff found in boxes, Sonic Mania, stuff found in ears, Nier Automata, stuff found in pipes, Splatoon 2, stuff found in Kitchens, Dwarf Fortress and stuff found in Hyrule.
Hey hey we're the Salad, and we like cucumbering around, but we’re too busy piz’ing, to pull this food from the ground...
In this episode, some news, Nier: Automata, Splatoon 2, Deadbolt, Rob’s visual novel adventure and the Zelda minute returns.
There still isn't a great deal of news about. It’s now backpacking in Asia, lost it’s passport and may never return. Meanwhile, there is the subject of breakfast for us at home to attend to.
In this episode: Splatoon 2, Snake Pass, Fault: Milestone One, Formula Fusion, Wipeout 3, Minecraft, Titanfall 2, Noita, Overwatch, and the Zelda bit is back.
It's a late and dopey SaladCast this week as Zac had commitments. I know it sounds shocking but it’ll be less so when you find out what he’s committed to.
In this episode, Switch online news, the music of ARMS, Far Cry 5, wheel grinding, Rocket League, Assassin’s Creed history, Overwatch, increasingly spoilery Zelda stuff, some things we didn’t do and... Seaman?
Here's to all those to try and travel on a UK train service. We are a brave and stupid people, willing to submit to the will of those stupider still, the train operators. What we need is an escape from their tyranny. A device which can take us anywhere for less money with the added bonus of privacy and comfort. I present to you the Convenient Arrival Resolver or CAR.
In this episode: Nintendo Direct highlights, Battlefront 2, Aaero, Salt, Overwatch, Team Fortress 2, Call of Duty WW2, Enslaved and Zelda, twice.
Confusion is a state that can be so easily adopted by a weak mind. Don't be a weak mind. Be free and let our nonsense wash over you like those fake rain machines that help you sleep a little.
In this episode there’s Thumper, Valve’s box of 3, Joe Danger 2, Boost Mode, Overwatch, what "Open World" is, Tetris, FTL, Assassin’s Creed IV, Sonic Generations, gun puns: the game, garbage old games and more Factorio.
It's at time’s like these that we can be very grateful that creative people can come up with worlds better than our own. Escape to the country/sea/space/factory with some SaladCast.
In this episode: Xbox news, Enter the Gungeon, DiRT4. double plus bad, Overwatch, speed running, Factorio, Rhianna, Assassin’s Creed 4, Homeworld and more.
With Microsoft shrinking into the corner and Sony standing smug, Nintendo decides now is the time to throw some punches. The Switch is on the way with many a "click" and a few ice cubes.
Also in this podcast: Owlboy, Creeper World 3, Homeworld, Marvel Vs Capcom 3, Ridge Racer 6, Overwatch, Shenzhen I/O, Scalebound and all the Switch games we care about.
"Negative Chromostereopsis" is one of the words I learnt this year and so are “post-truth” and “Brexit”. But while there's a lot of bad stuff to take away from this year you can also learn about the great year of games we’ve had and the SaladCast is ready to educate you. There’s also some sucky stuff for balance and fun but let’s celebrate! This special SUPER-LONG episode has us figuring the best of the best that we saw and honoring them with possibly the least prestigious GOTY on the internet.
Escape from seasonal commercialism by losing yourself in a chat about products that you can buy! Welcome to your unavoidable fate, 2016!
In this episode there's Thumper, glasses, Switch patents, Civilisation VI, Twilight, Titanfall 2, Planet Coaster, Rocket League, Overwatch, some films, EVE and Coin Crypt.
Apparently Rob isn't allowed to follow the normal event rundown format after this episode so enjoy the full coverage of The Game Awards and PSX for the last time... maybe. Along with those big deals we have, Titanfall 2, bathtub coffee, Planet Coaster, hauliers, Team Fortress 2, microphones, Civilisation VI and Donker Bier.
It takes more the two buckets of fried chicken and a selection other vaguely brown food items to truly contain the will of the SaladCast. We know, we've tested it.
In this episode there’s Battlefield 1 battling, Civilisation VI civilising, Costume Quest questing, Overwatch watching, Factorio factorising, Viva Pinata: Trouble in Paradise troubling and Jetpac refueled refuelling.
You can always have more chicken.
EGX 2016 is has been occurring and with it came long car journeys. As new regulations will inevitably be brought in to enforce the use of podcasts to keep boredom at bay on such journeys, the SaladCast remains ahead of the curve by providing this car-friendly episode. What makes it car-friendly you say? That'll be the marketing.
In this episode there’s more upcoming game hope discussion, Recore, TGS, Project Highrise, Call of Duty, Factorio, PSVR, Battlezone, Overwatch, Battlefield 1, Aaero, Civilization VI, Redout, Shadow of Mordor, Sonic Mania, Grand Theft Auto V, Rocket League and death by train.
I might as well be talking from my stomach. It's way louder than my voice right now. Late night McDonanald’s has repercussions.
In a twist of planning the SaladCast is coming out early and hot on the heels of the Playstation Meeting. We can be "Pro" when we need to be, we just mostly choose not to be, get off our case!
In this ‘cast: PS4 Pro, Airbuds?, Battlefield 1 Beta, Super Mario 1, EVE Online, Tricky Towers, Mass Effect Andromeda, Overcooked, Dara O’Brien’s Go 8-bit, Overwatch, Metal Gear Solid V, Planet Coaster, Roller Coaster Tycoon and some brief hype shouts.
It's time for the Salad Games 2016. For the first event we must embrace the new tradition of there being at least one interruption Rob has to deal with per episode. We refer to an classic problem maker, the doorbell. How long into the episode do we make it before it rings? The winner is the closest guess and will win a golden delicious apple they must purchase themselves.
This episode contains fridges, No Man’s Sky, DOOM, keyboards and mice, Factorio, XCOM 2, Nano Assault EX, headphones, Overwatch and the aforementioned interruption.
Rob often gets a bit of a ribbing from his cohorts about what he considers newsworthy for the cast but this week fate leaves Zac in charge of Rob's list... so some stuff may get a bit ignored.
This week we have new PC’s, XCOM 2, maintenance, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Day of the Tentacle: Remastered, steering wheel updates, Pokémon GO and gums.
CS:GO gambling is shady. Everyone’s on the take.
Get hype! E3 is only a couple of days away so it's time to mop up all the leaks before we bathe in the convention goodness. Everyone is spilling their drinks from Sony to Nintendo, Microsoft Ubisoft... I think everybody’s drunk before the party has begun.
Also this week: Quantum Break, football, Overwatch, Minecraft, Watchdogs 2, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, Speedrunners, Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, hot tubs and a good helping of speculation.
Rob is back from Japan and now forced to live in the here and now again. Fortunately the Saladcast is here and a little bit now, so come and live with us in it.
This weeks there's Japan, Disney Infinity, Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, old EA news that sucks, new EA news that might not suck, Factorio, Rocket League, Overwatch, Doom, MGS, The Witness, and fight sticks!
Something something something podcast. Something something hurray!
In this podcast: Zac gets a large mug and new kettle, Rob figures out what he wants from Starfox, Dan Gears on, the point of Early Access is debated, Overwatch is judged, Call of Duty and Battlefield announce new games with bad names, Pizza is mentioned, more of The Witness gets witnessed and Rocket League gets the jam.
This one's for all you marathon runners. Had we put this out ahead of the race we’d have got the average person through around 13 miles. You can call your own cab from Tower Bridge though.
In this episode: Rob goes blind, Zac dislikes Overwatch, betas are not played, Factorio gets modded, Metal Gear sells a car, Starfox divides, puzzles get witnessed and Titanfall gets a sword.
Surprise! We're all in Ipswich where two thirds of the team normally are! Not that surprising huh? Well it was to us and we enjoyed it. Trust me on this.
In this episode we discuss Star Wars VII, Interstellar, Assassin’s Creed Unity, Sunset Overdrive, Halo: Master Chief Collection, Bayonetta 2, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Overwatch, Valkyria Chronicles, EVE Online and Deus Ex: Human Revolution.