The sun is setting on Rob's podcast "studio" but it shall rise again in pastures new. We shall send it off with a completely normal podcast. That seems fitting. After a bit of "Triple A" ranting we talk about Outriders, Genesis Noir,, Minecraft, Final Fantasy XII and Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon.
Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon
Latest installment in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon crossover series of dungeon crawler RPGs.
Not much happening in game news so there's plenty of room for important topics like modern toilets. We also played Yakuza 3, What the Golf, Genesis Noir, Among Us and Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, which was nice.
Gary Numan wants his cars back. They're his friends.
In this podcast:
It's hot, fresh and 100% of a podcast (this time). It's a Monday SaladCast!
This week we talk about moving home, Switch Pro rumours, Yakuza 3, Satisfactory, Panzer Dragoon Remake and some standard recurrences.
In this podcast:
"Negative Chromostereopsis" is one of the words I learnt this year and so are “post-truth” and “Brexit”. But while there's a lot of bad stuff to take away from this year you can also learn about the great year of games we’ve had and the SaladCast is ready to educate you. There’s also some sucky stuff for balance and fun but let’s celebrate! This special SUPER-LONG episode has us figuring the best of the best that we saw and honoring them with possibly the least prestigious GOTY on the internet.
In this podcast:
If one person doesn't really know what they are talking about and another person doesn’t have a clue about their own words, do they combine into fact or is this how culture begins? This episode attempts to answer this question with spectacular results.
This week there’s plenty of new Pokémon, Rob finishes Metal Gear, Zac avoids DLC, Dan breaks his stuff and vague news is back. Trust cautiously.
In this podcast: