"Negative Chromostereopsis" is one of the words I learnt this year and so are “post-truth” and “Brexit”. But while there's a lot of bad stuff to take away from this year you can also learn about the great year of games we’ve had and the SaladCast is ready to educate you. There’s also some sucky stuff for balance and fun but let’s celebrate! This special SUPER-LONG episode has us figuring the best of the best that we saw and honoring them with possibly the least prestigious GOTY on the internet.
Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2
Building on the first game, Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare 2 features a single-player campaign and plants going on the offensive.
What does it mean if you get "Enter Sandman" stuck in your head for a day and you haven't even heard the song in, like, forever? Does it cement it as a badass song? Is it destined to get on my nerves? Am I doomed to cause people to sleep forever? The answer may be found in your reaction to arcane recordings of the SaladCast. I hear there may be talk about the games we can’t quite finish yet, VR pricing, vague news, and not dying in the snow and a hidden message if you listen in reverse.
In this podcast:
To all those who went to EGX 2015, I have to clap my hands. Finally a show where the crowd isn't composed of annoying idiots who barge their way through to get anywhere, treading on toes as they do. You make music concerts look thoroughly uncivilised... which is probably the point in a lot of cases but I’m still impressed. See you next year my people.
Needless to say there’s a lot of EGX coverage this week but there’s just enough time for Zac to cover his tabletop adventures too.
In this podcast:
Yep, that's 5 whole conferences covered in Part 2 of our E3 2015 special.
In this podcast: