Whether we find ourselves crawling out from under a tree, surviving February plagues or avoiding sentient dough, the SaladCast breaks through. In this episode, Nintendo reveals some of its hand for 2022, Zac trains his team and Rob makes brunch.
A city-building simulation game from the studio behind the Cities in Motion games. Heavily inspired by the SimCity series, Cities: Skylines features robust traffic management and a variety of post-release expansions.
Whether we find ourselves crawling out from under a tree, surviving February plagues or avoiding sentient dough, the SaladCast breaks through. In this episode, Nintendo reveals some of its hand for 2022, Zac trains his team and Rob makes brunch.
Season 7 is here and so too is our new audio gift. A new theme tune... hold on we don't have one? Well I guess you can have some old jaunty brass instead.
In this episode there’s tragedy, news and reviews! Nintendo Direct, Microsoft’s PC game, Mario, Hand of Fate, Picross, Cities, and not Harvest Moon.
What else did we forget? Oh bugger there’s that Life Is Strange coverage we don’t talk about.
If one person doesn't really know what they are talking about and another person doesn’t have a clue about their own words, do they combine into fact or is this how culture begins? This episode attempts to answer this question with spectacular results.
This week there’s plenty of new Pokémon, Rob finishes Metal Gear, Zac avoids DLC, Dan breaks his stuff and vague news is back. Trust cautiously.
Oh boy oh boy oh boy! It's time for the end of year special show: GOTY 2015! We must scrutinize the heck out of 2015 for the good of mankind, for it is written: "Those who podcast, must arbitrarily award." There’s a lot of difficult decisions and few easy answers in one of the busiest gaming years in memory an you can find out exactly how the team arrive at their conclusions (a blog with the results will go up later).
Fair warning: we may talk about story spoilers and mention the Weak Ass Californian Gap.
Circumstances entirely of Rob's creation haver lead to a one week delay in the SaladCast delivery schedule and typically, a major event occurred. Gamescom carries a heavy Microsoft slant giving us a press conference to cover in our usual style and 3 weeks of gap gives us quite a few games to chat about. Do we cover everything? "Who knows?".
The latest pizza offering from well known pizza delivery chain Pizza Hut is the confusingly titled "Classic Crust". Not to be confused with the existing Pan base, the Classic Base turns out to be exactly that, classic, offering nothing new to the pizza experience. You can argue that it is a yet another option for those fussy about base composition to consider and that must be a good thing, but after the crazier base inventions that Pizza Hut have toyed with in recent memory the Classic is nothing to write home about. I should not be writing about it full stop.
In this podcast: Rayman Legends, Forza Horizon 2 Presents Fast and Furious, Infinifactory, Guitar Hero Live, Starbound, LEGO Dimensions, GTA V, E.V.E. Online, Cities: Skylines, Deus Ex: Mankind Divided and Star Wars.
Duckman wins the round, Monkey took the final brick, That's Timesplitters 2
In this episode: Some news, Forza Horizon 2, Cities: Skylines, Game Maker, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Goat Simulator, Axiom Verge, Mario Kart 8, Timesplitters 2 Dreadnought and a few other little bits and bobs.
Zac, Dan and Rob talk for nearly three hours about technology into a microphone and place it upon the internet. Business as usual. At the same time Naomi is smug that she used the same time to do some sewing, complete the ironing and still have time to catch up on her twitter feed. This entire evening reeks of progress, no?
In this episode: Nintendo NX, Cities Skylines, Assassin's Creed III, Homeworld Remastered, Infinifactory, Forza Horizon 2, DiRT 3, Spaceships and a lot of PC gubbins.