After some recording mishaps Rob takes the opportunity to explain to Dan how he thinks a rocket should be built despite having never built one before. Be sure to check out Rob's experimental design towards the end of the video.

Kerbal Space Program
Players create their own rockets from a variety of parts and then attempt to launch them into space.
Zac takes us through some of the changes and additions in the recent update to Kerbal Space Program.
If you thought you could find solace in the silence of space, think again! Zac and Rob’s vocal chords tear across the inky black as a bit of a tribute to Apollo 11.
Be our guest, be our guest, have this suspicious treasure chest. Please go on and open, don't be shy. Be our guest, be our guest, for you we have another quest. From this Mimic kindly save our cowardly hides!
We might have had a guest alongside us talking about Picard, delays, Byleth and those games what we play.
In this podcast:
In the not too distant future, artificial beings are built to look act act like humans. Blending into society, the "hipsters" are becoming an accepted part of our daily lives, but there are rules. Hipsters that break those rules and serve over priced artisan foods must have their beards and buns shaved. Those that wield the blade are known as “Razor Joggers”.
In this episode: The obligatory lootbox conversation, Rain World, IGN and Humble, Opus Magnum, Shovel Knight, XBOX One dashboard fonts, Kerbal Space Program, Blade Runner, Sonic 2 HD, Overwatch, Team Fortress 2, Slime Rancher, Visceral Games and Star Wars, another bad visual novel and Dan finishes Zelda at last.
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Get hype! E3 is only a couple of days away so it's time to mop up all the leaks before we bathe in the convention goodness. Everyone is spilling their drinks from Sony to Nintendo, Microsoft Ubisoft... I think everybody’s drunk before the party has begun.
Also this week: Quantum Break, football, Overwatch, Minecraft, Watchdogs 2, Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, Speedrunners, Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, hot tubs and a good helping of speculation.
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Oh boy oh boy oh boy! It's time for the end of year special show: GOTY 2015! We must scrutinize the heck out of 2015 for the good of mankind, for it is written: "Those who podcast, must arbitrarily award." There’s a lot of difficult decisions and few easy answers in one of the busiest gaming years in memory an you can find out exactly how the team arrive at their conclusions (a blog with the results will go up later).
Fair warning: we may talk about story spoilers and mention the Weak Ass Californian Gap.
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As E3 is looming, just one month away, it's light news time. Nothing much is happening until the convention crazy starts leaking out like battery acid.
In this episode we talk about Guillermo Del Toro, Gears of War, Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate, Formula Fusion, Splatoon, Kerbal Space Program, Rayman Legends, Freedom Planet, Dirt Rally, GTA V and there’s some pretty stupid padding.
In this podcast:
The videogame industry always has one thing going for it: unpredictability. These last two weeks have shown us some of that chaos and there's quite a bit of news to moan about including Steam "modgate", Silent Hills, Kerbal Space Program, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, DiRT Rally, The Pinball Arcade, Dungeons of the Endless, Freedom Planet, Forza Horizon 2, Rayman Legends, PoolNationFX, GTA V and other stuff too!
In this podcast:
Inspiration is a lot like a bus service, unreliable at best. You never know when it might hit you, placing something amazing in your head only for it to leave you at the precise moment you can act upon it. Such is the life of a Podcast blurb writer.
In this episode we talk about the lack of news, XBONE updates, Alien: Isolation, Chariot, Theatrhythm, Prison Architect, The Long Dark, Luftrausers, Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, Kerbal Space Program, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Little Big Planet 3, Bayonetta 2, and Fantasia: Music Evolved.
In this podcast:
At this moment, writing something topical and entertaining seems to be the last thing my brain wants to attempt. Having just finished my working day, my thoughts are littered with fragments of code, all swimming through a sea of tabs, keywords and semicolons, battling for my attention. They will not get it now but their time of rest is some way off. Developers are weird.
In this episode we discuss our old game making endeavours (again), Unity, New 3DS, Twitch, Quantum Break, Pokken, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions, Gamergate, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, Starbound, Kerbal Space Program, Batman: Arkham City, Civilization V, Mario Kart 8 and there's also our "now fast becoming a regular feature" bit where Zac gives FTL advice.
In this podcast:
It's quite nice that the "home nations" can still win international medals at the Commonwealth Games. But don’t think too hard about it as you’ll soon realise that we’re only beating ourselves. I’ll take it though.
In this episode there’s a noodle fork update, Broken Age, EVE Online, Minecraft, Destiny, Crysis 2, The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds, Super Time Force, Titanfall, The Pinball Arcade, Kerbal Space Program, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and chicken produce enhanced by the wind.
Replace “Chip” with a less clean word.
In this podcast:
As Odysseus sailed the ocean there came a faint sound drifting through the air. An enticing sound that would bring all but the strongest of men to their knees. Many a soul would do anything to get closer to such a divine noise. "Niiiiiiintendoooooo".
Dan joins us in person to help discuss Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, Gone Home, Kerbal Space Program, Trials Evolution, Super Smash Bros. Wii U, Bravely Default, PvZ Garden Warfare and Guild Wars 2.
In this podcast:
Dan is off ill this week so we welcome back DJKippling to fill in the gap. Rob is surprisingly "on it" after a weekend of cocktails and Zac remains 100% Zac.
Discussion includes Titanfall, One Finger Death Punch, PvZ, Forza 5, Oculus VR, FireTV, Brothers, Kerbal Space Program (now with added NASA) and more Bravely Default.
In this podcast:
It's a biggie! The milestone of 100 episodes has been reached and by total luck it’s also time to sort out the weak from the guff as we do The SaladCast GOTY Awards 2013! Get hype!
It should come as no shock that there will be spoilers and dumb decisions ahead. You have been warned.
In this podcast:
Rob decides to take a weekend break in London on a Podcast weekend, forcing the team to phone it in. When we say "phoning it in" it's not to say that your getting a half-arsed show. You are most definitely getting all of our arse.
This week there’s Bioshock Infinite, Dark Souls, XCOM, Infamous, DmC, MTGDotP 2013, SimCity, next Gen game pricing, EVE, Puddle, Spiral Knights and our ignorance towards sports games.
In this podcast:
It's hot, hotter than it’s been this year so far. Dan has a cold. I don’t understand.
This week there’s Xbox 180, Rogue Legacy, Animal Crossing, Cola, Kerbal Space Program, Fire Emblem, Stowmarket, Dust, DmC and Little Inferno.
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Wrapping up our E3 extravaganza are Nintendo's direct streams and Sony’s bomb dropping conference.
We talk about Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D World, Super Smash Bros, Wind Waker HD, The Dark Sorcerer, Assassin’s Creed IV, Beyond: Two Souls, The Last of Us, NBA 2K14, Diablo 3, Final Fantasy XV, Kingdom Hearts 3, Elder Scrolls Online, Destiny, Mad Max, Killzone Shadowfall, The Order, Pokémon X and Y, Donkey Kong Country Returns 2, Bayonetta 2 and Fantasia.
In this podcast:
The return of the sun brings some danger with it. Some people may try and convince you that there's a better world out there in the light. All you will find is MORE world. It’s like a disappointing RPG. Count on the SaladCast to provide you with useful public service information.
This week there’s Nintendo Direct news, Zac getting a 3DS, Spec Ops: The Line, Kerbal Space Program, Sim Farm, Injustice, children with footballs, Assassin’s Creed Revelations, the Tog scale, Burnout Paradise, Guild Wars 2, Planetside 2, Bioshock Infinite and more.
Everyone needs to get piz’d.
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2012 is drawing to a close and that means it's GOTY time! This might be the one time in the year we carefully consider which games deserve honour and which deserve being locked in a room with a small radio playing Paul McCartney’s Christmas song on repeat forever.
Awards include "Best game that hasn’t really come out yet", “Worst audio thing”, “Biggest surprise” and “Most baffling decision” amongst others and of course the coveted SaladCast GOTY.
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Winter and the holiday season makes it tricky to get the team team together but the 3 week gaps do give us a lot to talk about.
This week there's plumbing, cars, shoes, Halo 4, Call of Duty, Planetside 2, Burnout Crash, Civilisation V and more!
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