Kick, Punch, it's all in the mind... or at least two of your fingers. Zac and Rob commit mass stick figure homicide, albeit in self defence playing One Finger Death Punch.
One Finger Death Punch
An indie game by Silver Dollar Games.
The "Fallout" from E3 doesn't leave us too much to “Unravel” and there isn’t much “Uncharted” news to cover. So while there are plenty of new games are on the “Horizon”, there are even more for us to “Maker” our way through right now. So let’s “Siege” the day, party all “Knight” and deliver “SOMA” Saladcast. It’s just how we “DOOM”.
In this podcast:
Dan is off ill this week so we welcome back DJKippling to fill in the gap. Rob is surprisingly "on it" after a weekend of cocktails and Zac remains 100% Zac.
Discussion includes Titanfall, One Finger Death Punch, PvZ, Forza 5, Oculus VR, FireTV, Brothers, Kerbal Space Program (now with added NASA) and more Bravely Default.
In this podcast: