Look out! It's the next great entry in the SaladCast franchise!
This week there’s THQ, Wii U, Sim City, Windwaker HD, Sonic 4: Episode II, Terraria, Minecraft and Knights of the Old Republic 2.
This surprisingly Metal game stars Ash, a skeletal bunny who's the feared Prince of Hell. He's on a quest to get revenge on his arch-enemy Fat Rabbit, who has put Ash's "intimate" pictures all over the "Hell-ternet".
Look out! It's the next great entry in the SaladCast franchise!
This week there’s THQ, Wii U, Sim City, Windwaker HD, Sonic 4: Episode II, Terraria, Minecraft and Knights of the Old Republic 2.
After all the GOTY excitement it's back to business as normal for as much as you can call our business normal. There’s a lot of games to catch up on thanks to another Steam sale and little time to play them.
This week we talk about SteamBox, Project Shield, Borderlands 2, Crysis, calves, Hell Yeah, Far Cry 3, describing pizza, The Walking Dead, FTL, Pharoah, shaving and more Minecraft.
2012 is drawing to a close and that means it's GOTY time! This might be the one time in the year we carefully consider which games deserve honour and which deserve being locked in a room with a small radio playing Paul McCartney’s Christmas song on repeat forever.
Awards include "Best game that hasn’t really come out yet", “Worst audio thing”, “Biggest surprise” and “Most baffling decision” amongst others and of course the coveted SaladCast GOTY.