Continuing on with our coverage of the future of the games industry as described in a glossy form by the games industry we have Ubisoft getting eagles, SONY effervescing, Nintendo ebbing and other news existing.
The fighting game series that defined high-risk, high-reward combos returns as a free-to-play launch title for the Xbox One, later receiving constant updates with new characters and game modes. It can also be played on Windows 10 systems with cross-platform multiplayer.
Continuing on with our coverage of the future of the games industry as described in a glossy form by the games industry we have Ubisoft getting eagles, SONY effervescing, Nintendo ebbing and other news existing.
This episode has EVERYTHING. Possibly anything that's ever been said in human existence is crammed into this extra long SaladCast instalment. We’ve got running, rumours, Sonic’s Olympic garb, parking tickets, web development plugs, Zac’s eating habits, esports lifestyles, Shoutcast Radio and, in a surprise twist, video games!
Circumstances entirely of Rob's creation haver lead to a one week delay in the SaladCast delivery schedule and typically, a major event occurred. Gamescom carries a heavy Microsoft slant giving us a press conference to cover in our usual style and 3 weeks of gap gives us quite a few games to chat about. Do we cover everything? "Who knows?".
It's a biggie! The milestone of 100 episodes has been reached and by total luck it’s also time to sort out the weak from the guff as we do The SaladCast GOTY Awards 2013! Get hype!
It should come as no shock that there will be spoilers and dumb decisions ahead. You have been warned.
Obligatory XBOX podcast go! Hope you didn't want to hear much about anything else.
This week we talk about XBONE, FIFA 14, Kinect Sports Rivals, Killer Instinct, Forza Motorsport 5, Pokémon Y, Tomb Raider, Grand Theft Auto V, John Carmack, Steam Machine and Wii U.
Dan is about to be really inconvenient and move to London so for his last week in East Anglia we force him to do another cast. This "week-early" special comes with real news and impressions courtesy of EuroGamer Expo and Valve!
Coverage in this special episode includes PES 2014, Need For Speed Rivals, Beyond: Two Souls, Forza 5, Sonic: The Lost World, Killer Instinct, Watchdogs, Lightning Returns, Montague's Mount, Driveclub, Oculus Rift, SteamOS, Steam Machines and a really weird controller! There’s other stuff too!
Thank us later, or now. Now is good.