The Game Awards may have more trailers than awards but seeing as hype for 2021 is pretty more all 2020 has to give we'll lap it up. We've also been playing No Man's Sky, Mindustry, Haven, Star Renegades and Animal Crossing.
The fourth entry in the Elite franchise, from the series' co-creator David Braben and Frontier Developments.
The Game Awards may have more trailers than awards but seeing as hype for 2021 is pretty more all 2020 has to give we'll lap it up. We've also been playing No Man's Sky, Mindustry, Haven, Star Renegades and Animal Crossing.
We didn't manage to get through all the game news we had and now there's more! An early SaladCast for you! In this episode we cover our picks from the PC Gaming Show, the Future Games Show and EA Play.
Oh boy oh boy oh boy! It's time for the end of year special show: GOTY 2015! We must scrutinize the heck out of 2015 for the good of mankind, for it is written: "Those who podcast, must arbitrarily award." There’s a lot of difficult decisions and few easy answers in one of the busiest gaming years in memory an you can find out exactly how the team arrive at their conclusions (a blog with the results will go up later).
Fair warning: we may talk about story spoilers and mention the Weak Ass Californian Gap.
It's time for the fifth SaladCast GOTY award show! Difficult year this one as the team have mostly played different games from one another which inevitably make comparisons hard but we give it a shot anyway because why not!
Discussed in this episode: Bayonetta 2, Elite: Dangerous, Guacamelee, Bravely Default, Mario Golf, Sonic Boom, Plants Vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Alien: Isolation, Child of Light, Guilty Gear Xrd, Destiny, Driveclub, Assassin’s Creed Unity, Halo: The Master Chief Collection, Far Cry 4, Fifa 15, Infamous: Second Son, South Park: The Stick of Truth, Watchdogs, Grim Fandango, Luftrausers, Nidhogg, Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Threes, Titanfall, Transistor, Towerfall: Ascension
In another convention special Dan brings you news from not one, but TWO conventions that happened in the last two weeks. Rob only brought one convention and now wonders if the others consider him a cheapskate.
In this episode we talk about #EGX, Star Trek, Prison Architect, Octahedron, Elite Dangerous, Alien: Isolation, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Halo Master Chief Collection, Sonic Boom, Splatoon, Yoshi's Woolly World, Screamride, Gang Beasts, Poncho, Dream, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse, EVE Online, Guild Wars 2, Guacamelee, FTL: Faster Than Light, Forza Motorsport 5, Batman: Arkham City and Planetary Annihilation.