2020 has seemed neverending so it's apt that we end with the longest podcast of the year. Yes it's "Game of the Year" time!
Transform a deserted island into a paradise in the Switch's version of Animal Crossing.
2020 has seemed neverending so it's apt that we end with the longest podcast of the year. Yes it's "Game of the Year" time!
The Game Awards may have more trailers than awards but seeing as hype for 2021 is pretty more all 2020 has to give we'll lap it up. We've also been playing No Man's Sky, Mindustry, Haven, Star Renegades and Animal Crossing.
New website hype! happysalad.net has had a bit of a makeover for speed. We kept the racing green for this very reason. If you get your podcasts delivered automatically, perhaps via iTunes, other podcatchers or pidgeon, you might not have seen it yet, so go treat us with your traffic.
In this episode there's some boxes being removed, controller feels, game delays, Art of Rally, Hyrule Warriors, Night of the Woods, King of Cards, the Factorio slot and more.
"E3" still had some stuff to say before it left. Most of it was hurtful but like true professionals we've cut all that out so we can present the last of this year's hype season news.
We've got that Microsoft showcase with them's Halo Infinite, dat Nintendo Direct Mini, this Neon Abyss, those Animals Crossing, the second Last of Us bit and Jet Set Radio?
I'm spending my time thinking about alternative doomsday theories. If cats cast aside their differences with the pigeons, their web of information could bring down governments. They know what they're doing and I'm onto them.
In this episode we pick out a few things from New Game +, discuss the return of live sports, play Pool Panic and Creeper World 4 and check in on a few regulars.
Sensing the effects that Eurovision withdrawal is having on the morale of the populous, the games industry has rallied to produce some hype. These things may have happened in reverse order but all the best theories are based on some notion of "close enough".
We have Unreal Engine 5, Xbox Series X "gameplay", and a smattering a games like Valorant, Streets of Rage 4, Scrap Mechanic and that Terraria patch.
I don’t want to alarm you all, but there’s something called news here and they want to say hi. Would it be OK if we invited them in, just for this episode? It’s only little. Probably won’t bite. I bet our discussions on Yakuza Kiwami 2, Animal Crossing and Gears Tactics will cheer it right up.
Stay inside, stay safe, play games.
Time for another round of lockdown podcast. Has the madness set in or have the crew turned more normal? Which is which?
There's not a lot of news but we’ll never run out of games. Rob finds and leaves an island, Zac remodels an island and Dan... breaks this stupid sentence.
Times are weird but for gamers much remains the same. Take comfort in the fact that your backlog will still be there, gin is readily available and Counter Strike players will still be the worst people alive.
In this episode we talk about all the time to play games, Zoom, TV, Ori, Animals Crossing, Steam Remote Play Together, Bravely Default 2 and other stuff.
A message from the Happysalad CEO:
With 2020 shaping up to be mighty weird year in many many ways, it's important that we pull together, be considerate and follow scientific and medical advice from the appropriate sources. Fortunately this changes very little for a podcast about video games. There’s still news, games and banter to be had. We've been here ten years, and there will be at least ten more, so come get some Season 11!
In this episode we have event cancellations but then there's next-gen console specs and some great new game releases. Chin up!
Suity McCashflow
Hi there Dan fans! Have we got 0% of a podcast for you! Dan is off doing something somewhere so you get Zac and Rob alone, unhosted. We've got patches, new Game Pass plays and some Sonic of the Hedgehog variety.
Getting older means forgetting about a lot more things a lot more regularly. Take this episode for example. It’s easy to forget that it ever existed, on time, and on happysalad.net before now. cough
In this episode: Sunflowers, EPIC store fail of the week, Nintendo Direct news, Void Bastards, Gears 5, Stormworks, Trackmania Turbo and more!
Oh yes it's games tonight and the feeling’s right. Oh yes it’s games tonight. Oh what a night.
Rob’s got his takes from this year’s EGX, Dan’s got his Solo take and Zac takes a legal advice from Belgium. There’s a Nintendo Direct and Playstation Classic to consider too. Finally, you must all get hype for Town.
Oooooh what a ni-i-i-igt.