2020 has seemed neverending so it's apt that we end with the longest podcast of the year. Yes it's "Game of the Year" time!
The direct sequel to the 2016 installment of Doom. Hell’s armies have invaded Earth. Become the Slayer in an epic single-player campaign to conquer demons across dimensions and stop the final destruction of humanity.
2020 has seemed neverending so it's apt that we end with the longest podcast of the year. Yes it's "Game of the Year" time!
Lockdown 2 seems to have been the disappointing sequel to the heavy hitting original, which conveniently describes one topic of this podcast. It's a slow news week so there's more time to cover DOOM Eternal, No Man's Sky and Breath of the Wild.
I think you might be able to guess what we talk about this week. Yes we really are being that obvious. We'll also talk about DOOM Eternal, Hyrule Warriors, No Man's Sky, Torchlight 2 and some other stuff.
A kettle is mentioned.
Ready for more, because there's a whole episode more of E3 press conference stuff. SaladCast runs down Ubisoft, the PC Gaming Show, Sony and Nintendo.