For the tenth time, the Saladcast will pointlessly rank the games and events of the past year. Has it even been a good year? Zac will clear that up quickly at least.
Set several years after Devil May Cry 4. which was released a decade prior, the series returns with three playable characters including the original and recurring protagonist, Dante and the protagonist of the fourth installment, Nero.
For the tenth time, the Saladcast will pointlessly rank the games and events of the past year. Has it even been a good year? Zac will clear that up quickly at least.
With Sony still playing coy with big news events Microsoft steps up to put on a show that’s a bit better than XO18. They called it XO19 and we’re covering that.
We’re also playing those hot bangers like Outer Worlds and Luigi’s Mansion 3 and then describing them with words. So many words.
There were probably a lot of tears this morning as England came second in the rugby World Cup but you can’t spell tears without tea, so we talk a bit about that instead. There’s also some Devil May Cry 5, Autonauts and maybe a bit more understanding about what Death Stranding actually is.
Germany holding it down on the gaming tip y'all! Serving up hot E3 addendums and addenda. We cover some of our highlights of Gamescom, NVidia’s 2080, Rob plays FFXV, Dan wrestles with God of War and Zac plays the Valkyria Chronicles 4 demo amongst his regular titles.
Ready for more, because there's a whole episode more of E3 press conference stuff. SaladCast runs down Ubisoft, the PC Gaming Show, Sony and Nintendo.