2021 has been a weird year for games and for how the Happysalad crew played them. As a result we're making the Game of the Year stuff less of a thing. This way we can talk about Halo Infinite some more and with only mild spoilers.
2021 has been a weird year for games and for how the Happysalad crew played them. As a result we're making the Game of the Year stuff less of a thing. This way we can talk about Halo Infinite some more and with only mild spoilers.
Be unsaddened my super-acquaintences! We have more pleasing noise for the ensounding of your ears. Come and whelm with us.
There's Nintendo news, Minecraft news, GTA news and more news. There's Artful Escape game, Sable game, Hyrule Warriors game and more games. And of course we have Rob man, Zac man and Dan man (but not more mans).
Zac continues to battle off the threat of the plague child to weigh in on the flurry of news Nintendo brought with them in this unfashionably long episode. We talk all about Chris Pratt and the Nintendo Direct, Shang-Chi, Sable, The Artful Escape and the regular stuff.
There may have been a falling out at the E household. EA and E3 don't seem to turn up to gatherings together anymore. Now EA wants to come and stay on the couch. Should we let them?
We've also got the Annapurna presentation and the tyre fire over at Activision Blizzard to talk about and some of the usual suspects turn up for emotional support.
With Sony still playing coy with big news events Microsoft steps up to put on a show that’s a bit better than XO18. They called it XO19 and we’re covering that.
We’re also playing those hot bangers like Outer Worlds and Luigi’s Mansion 3 and then describing them with words. So many words.
It's the annual E3 press conference review show! Zac and Rob face the challenge without Dan to give a chronological sequence of all that happened on the stage of games. In this ridiculously long episode we cover all the major press events: EA, Microsoft, Bethesda, Ubisoft, SONY and Nintendo, potentially in that order.