In a tower full of bullets and puns, Zac decides to bring a noob to a roguelike. Rob cocks about and finds his head revolving after we load Enter the Gungeon on our machine... gun.

Enter the Gungeon
Four unlikely heroes must fight through a fortress inhabited by large sentient bullets (among other gun-related creatures) seeking a legendary weapon in this gun-themed rogue-like "bullet hell" shooter.
Moar Gungeon! We're back to find some new stuff in the new stuff!
It's Zac and Rob, and they’re back for moooooooooooooore! Get ’em!
Does the key to victory lie in keys? That is the key question. Zac and Rob key in their hypothesis.
This run's got more pew pew than a church!
Another update, another excuse for a run. This time there’s rainbows!
Before most tasks, have a think about it. Consider the outcomes of your undertaking and the routes there. Have a proper rummage in your brain bag for solutions. Then, forget what you thought of and do something else, believing that at least you could probably do the thing. Freeing, isn't it. In this episode, we have a think about Microsoft buying Bethesda, ponder on Minecraft Steve in Smash and ruminate on Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Enter the Gungeon, Spiritfarer and My Friend Pedro amongst other things.
In this podcast:
OK so something bad happened to this podcast. It kinda killed its own past like in Enter the Gungeon so it’s getting reposted and back dated like it never happened.
In this episode, literal XBOX leaks, Playstation Direct, the Bioware story and more Epic Store drama.
In this podcast:
The funny thing about tech is as soon as you get some new tech you wonder what you can do next with that tech and the answer is always to add more tech. We love tech but dang, that's good business right there.
In this podcast: No Man’s Sky, Yoku’s Island Express, smart home tech, Sonic Mania Plus, Enter the Gungeon, Fallout Shelter and Halo Wars 2.
In this podcast:
I know, I know. This SaladCast is really late. I did that thing where you sit down to do a speicifc task and then end up doing something else, several times, like an idiot. So news and things have probably happened since we recorded this but we've been playing old stuff anyway. Enjoy.
In this episode: Nintendo Switch, Assassin’s Creed IV, "10 a day", DiRT Rally, Command and Conquer chatter, Viva Pinata, Black Mesa, Crazy Taxi, Enter the Gungeon, Strike Suit Zero: Director’s Cut and the obligatory Factorio Mod Minute.
In this podcast:
Confusion is a state that can be so easily adopted by a weak mind. Don't be a weak mind. Be free and let our nonsense wash over you like those fake rain machines that help you sleep a little.
In this episode there’s Thumper, Valve’s box of 3, Joe Danger 2, Boost Mode, Overwatch, what "Open World" is, Tetris, FTL, Assassin’s Creed IV, Sonic Generations, gun puns: the game, garbage old games and more Factorio.
In this podcast:
It's at time’s like these that we can be very grateful that creative people can come up with worlds better than our own. Escape to the country/sea/space/factory with some SaladCast.
In this episode: Xbox news, Enter the Gungeon, DiRT4. double plus bad, Overwatch, speed running, Factorio, Rhianna, Assassin’s Creed 4, Homeworld and more.
In this podcast: