So what have Zac and Rob learnt from baseball based combat? That your feet are vulnerable and that there ‘aint nothin' like a funky beat.

Lethal League Blaze
Lethal League Blaze is the second entry in Team Reptile's competitive projectile fighting game series.
A new character stepped up to the plate some time ago. Zac and Rob introduce themselves to more of a battering.
New character alert! New video alert!
So what if we're posting this podcast up a bit late. So what if we may have forgotten to finish off the process that is most of the point of this thing? ... Yakuza 4 is a hell of a drug.
Naturally we have to cover the Activision acquisition but we've got a summer jam (in January) thanks to Windjammers 2. Rob requires a vibe and Lethal League helps out whilst Zac plays games trying to be like other games introducing us to Planet Crafter.
In this podcast:
Mic check, 2, 2. Still some issues with the sound this week, Zac's mic clearly failed us, but it’s getting better. More equipment is on the way!
In this episode: Onrush, Red Dead, DiRT Rally 2.0, Oxygen Not Included, Forza Horizon 4, Final Fantasy XV, stock sound effects and aggressive noise reduction!
In this podcast:
This week we present the SaladCast to you in glorious "Work in Progress Sound"! We're trying a different equipment configuration but there’s still some kinks to iron out so please bear with it this week.
In this episode: Red Dead Redemption 2 (of course), Lethal League Blaze, Diablo Immortal, Spiderman, Oxygen Not Included and zero food talk! We’re trying to get through a podcast without being too hungry at the end.
In this podcast: