If you don't consume your happysalad then you can't have any moody dessert. So eat up. There's a good listener.
In this episode, Rob finishes Bugsnax and jumps into VR whilst Zac continues to build and rebuild in Factorio and mine with guns in DRG.
On Snaktooth Island, all of the creatures are half-bug and half-snack. From the bizarre minds that previously made Octodad.
If you don't consume your happysalad then you can't have any moody dessert. So eat up. There's a good listener.
In this episode, Rob finishes Bugsnax and jumps into VR whilst Zac continues to build and rebuild in Factorio and mine with guns in DRG.
At what point in life does "sleep is for foo's" become "sleep is soooo goooood"? Don't underestimate sleep my friends.
In this podcast we have cereal debating, some talk about Bugsnax, the runes of Tunic and a beer cult.
So what if E3 isn’t happening? We've still got far too many game trailers happening right now. Rob picks out some highlights from the Escapist Indie Showcase and we go all E3 on the PS5 reveal event. The Summer of Hype is here!