New consoles may be upon us but we have a lot to be thankful for from the last 8 or so years of gaming. This special episode has us look back on our favourite stuff from the last cycle.
New consoles may be upon us but we have a lot to be thankful for from the last 8 or so years of gaming. This special episode has us look back on our favourite stuff from the last cycle.
If the leaders of the free world can take a "selfie", we here at the SaladCast want a part of it. Introducing the new RobCo Audio Selfie! It's like a photo for you ears that lasts over 160 minutes! Download one for free today!*
This week we talk about SteamOS and the Steam Machine, Gran Turismo 6, Battlefield 4, Starbound, The VGX’s, Sonic Generations, Sonic: The Lost World, Forza Motorsport 5, Peggle 2, Grand Theft Auto V, Animal Crossing and alternative wind speed measurements.
Obligatory XBOX podcast go! Hope you didn't want to hear much about anything else.
This week we talk about XBONE, FIFA 14, Kinect Sports Rivals, Killer Instinct, Forza Motorsport 5, Pokémon Y, Tomb Raider, Grand Theft Auto V, John Carmack, Steam Machine and Wii U.
With the PS4 out in America and the XBOX One release looming there's a bit of an expectation to talk about them just a little. Not being the types to disappoint, there’s a lot of discussion related to the new black distraction oblongs.
We are also joined by DJKippling off of twitch and being Rob’s brother.
This episode we talk about PS4, XBone, Knack, Killzone: Shadowfall, Resogun, Bioshock Infinite, Tomb Raider, Battlefield, CoDBlOps II, The Swapper, MtGDotP 2013, Civ 5, GTA V, Pokémon XY and probably some other stuff.
Zac and Rob get schooled on the makeup of the planet and Red's backstory is revealed. Maybe we’ll understand just what is going on a little better. Maybe.