Warning. Dan's Star Wars canon has fired off some fresh rant rounds. Please step back from the blast radius. Also in this episode, Splatoon 3, Hollow Knight, Redout 2, Oxygen Not Included and more VR fun times.
A set of quick VR experiences are collected together in one free package for HTC Vive owners.
Warning. Dan's Star Wars canon has fired off some fresh rant rounds. Please step back from the blast radius. Also in this episode, Splatoon 3, Hollow Knight, Redout 2, Oxygen Not Included and more VR fun times.
If you don't consume your happysalad then you can't have any moody dessert. So eat up. There's a good listener.
In this episode, Rob finishes Bugsnax and jumps into VR whilst Zac continues to build and rebuild in Factorio and mine with guns in DRG.