Nintendo have decided that marketing in 2021 is still a good a idea so we finally have some proper game news! There's just enough time to talk about Rob hanging out with birds, Zac acquiring power and Dan going on a familiar trip.
Link descends from his floating continent home to explore the dark and dangerous world below with the help of a magical sword, in this Wii/Wii U instalment of the Legend of Zelda series.
Nintendo have decided that marketing in 2021 is still a good a idea so we finally have some proper game news! There's just enough time to talk about Rob hanging out with birds, Zac acquiring power and Dan going on a familiar trip.
It is indeed Sonic time! Like there was any way we were going to pass on the biggest release of the year. Oh what's that? You want a Skyrim or CoD review? Shove it! For now those games spark a debate on games reviewing in general. Lament.
Also covered is Battlefield 3, Mortal Kombat and... well that’s about it.
Weird that we didn’t talk about the unoffcial SaladCast firework event of last week. You’ll just have to ponder the meaning of "cubes of dissapointment".
Summer is definitely upon us as certain inevitabilities come to pass. The clouds roll in, Rob's phrase book rolls out, distracting noises become the norm.
Amidst all this we still manage to continue the Batman and SpaceChem coverage and GASP! Breaking news as Dan gets a Duke Nukem Forever hands on! Look at us being all professional and journalist like.
Also we rag on Brink a bit... which we haven’t played.